Chp 7- Friend Fight, this is gonna be great

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Sorry chapters havent been very long so im trying to work on that thanks for reading!


I was sitting bye the running cold water of the creek not remebering waking up. My face was throbbing and i couldnt see out of my right eye. I figured it was super swelled and badly bruised cause i never got the chance to ice it but oh well ill live. Brian was still passed out. I would want to stay asleep to to surpase the horrible hangover him and the guys will have. Thought were just running through my head, worried ones, mad ones, random ones! Just thoughts, like will Bri remember what even happened when he wakes up, will peyton stay mad, and just a heads up my random thought will matt ever ask peyton out ;) lol. I was as i said sitting by the creek and i heard yelling........BRIAN!.......KATIE!!!!.......WHERE ARE YOU TO RUNAWAY BITCHES!......the run away bitches was from vicky of course.

"Shut Up!"  yelled johnny "you and your big mouth are gonna piss brian off!"

"Why do you hate me Johnny pooo Bear" she asked in a sad little kids teasing voice.

"Cause your my sis and i have every right to hate you!"   replied johnny jokingly

"Well FINE THEN ASS HOLE!" vicky yelled mockingly and stuck her tounge out like she was 5 years old.

"Awe come here vick rick a roo!" johnny said pulling he rinto a big bear hug squeezing half the life out of her!

I just laughed at the fact of how brothers deep deep down love thier sisters they just only show it sometimes. they didnt know i could see them till Zacky yelled!

"I FOUND KATIE" like some one would say in a horror movie when they were joking before the killed you.

"I HEAR ZACKY!" i said in the same rythmical tone

"Is brian dead" Jimmy asked

Jimmy was beside brian with a stick in hand and started poking the sleeping syn with it

"Knock It Off! you two year old dumb ass!" half yelled Matt

"well sorry i didnt know he little missy had her panties in a wad this morning!" exclaimed jimmy back at matt.

 "if i woke up and you were POCKING ME WITH A STICK i would maul your ass!" snapped peyton

i just giggled at the thought of a girl the size of peyton....not that she cant defend herself cause holy lord she dont have the name super woman for nothin...Smaking off to the giant jim! 

While the storry isnt progressing much you probably want to no abou "Super woman" well we call her that because she gets mad and just goes off. She has one of those huge heave punching bags and shell pick that thing up and swing it around like a rag doll.....enough said.....

Brian still lay half asleep me my self wonder if hes dead. Well hes breathing so that answers my question. He finally started to stir. He got up and as then again on of my thoughts came true.

"What the hell happened last night?"

yep, he dont remember. Damn it. he looked at me and gave me a funny face, probably because of the looks of my funny face.

"whats wrong with your face?" he asked me

ooh great he definitely dont remember, what am i going to say. I sat there stupidly just staring at him not saying anything. I felt a glare on my back and guessed it was peyton speaking she was probably still pissed.

"What do you mean whats WRONG with her Face!" Peyton snapped quickly " your whats wrong with her face, Your the one who did it!"

Brian looked confused and i didnt want to jump in no telling what peyton will do if she blacks out. I stood up stupidly and asked peyton t follow me. I Gave everyone what my fellow friends call the Bitch stare witch means in this case you follow us and imma be kickin asses. Thankfully she followed me. I walked onto the tour bus and she followed.

"i thought we already talked about this" i said softly

"And i told you it pisses me off that he punched you and your face looks like a blueberry!" she replied not yelling but not talking.

"And it wasnt his fault he was just trying to tell the guy he needed to keep his mouth shut and i went to grab him and it wasnt a good idea!" i tried to explain to peyton it wasnt all brians fault just to convince her enough to chill on the wasnt really working right now.

"well you know what he should of looked fi.." she said as i cut her off dead sentence

"i told you last night he didnt have time to look he would of got his ass handed to..." as peyton cut me off

"well at least his ass over your face would of stopped this whole situation!" she yelled

i got up the guts to say something in hope the other side of my face wont turn purple.

"Well maybe if you werent being so hard headed about the situation youd see that no one is at fault and this is a sheer accident that anyone could get over easy! as you can tel im the one with the jack face and have already accepted the apology and has gotten over it!" i yelled

Peyton gave me the i will hate you forever look and it kind of made my heart sink. As they say the first fight with a friend will be the hardest to pull through. hats how ya no if a friend is a friend. She ran to the bedrooms at the back of the bus and i went back outside. I Gave matt a worried look and told him to go to the bus...he did thankfully maybe he can get her to relize. I sat down by Bri and he put his arm over my shoulder pulling me in closer. What was that all about?


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