Chp 3-Meeting the guys!

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It was like a dream come true for Peyton. At the start of the line was Jimmy, then johnny, Zacky, Matt, and then Brian.

"Who the hell are these little twigs!" said jimmy jokingly

To them we did look like twigs we were just two little 17 year old Up against these huge muscular guys!

"I dont know, we could probably pick them up with one hand and throw them in a locker!" said Matt

Peyton just melted. She tried to say something but she couldn't. lips were moving........No words. Jimmy came over and knocked on her head like a door

"Anyone in there!" he yelled.

Peyton kind of got mad and felt a little embarrassed.


"Feisty!" replied Johnny

I just laughed at how childish the guys were acting. I could tell Peyton was laughing on the inside but on the out she wanted to cry! I know she wouldn't cause its against her will. Matt came over to Peyton

"dont let them bug you, Anyways so what are you two doin here today!" matt asked enthusiastic.

"We got backstage passes from a friend." i said

"Awesome!" said zacky

Peyton finally got the courage to say something.

"Your guys music is the best damned music i have ever heard" she said excited!

"You bet your guts on it it is!" cried jimmy

"And you girls names are?" asked Matt

"I'm Peyton" said Peyton in a kiddish voice.

"and I'm Katie." i said plainly

"Katie huh, i like that name" said a voice from the back

It was Brian he was acting shy and wasn't really saying anything just kind of sitting in the corner tuning his guitar. He caught my eye real quick. Damn hes Cute!i thought to myself. I finally said something to him.

"I love your guitar solos, the best ones i have ever heard!" i said real excited waiting to hear him live!

Sure enough "Sevenfold on stage now!" yelled the stage director

"Damn that guy is bossy" said jimmy "sevenfold on stage now!" he said in a childish mimicry voice.

Me Peyton and all the guys just laughed and sure enough the luck turned onto Peyton!

"I like your laugh" said Matt in a curious yet revealing way to Peyton. Peyton turned Bright red and i know she wanted to die right then and there. I'm surprised she even said something!

"thank you, i like yours to!" she replied happily.

"Well lets go you Flirt Bird!" said Jimmy.

"sevenfold on stage now!" zacky said in the same childish mimicry voice.

No one laughed we all just stared at him stupidly!

"What!" he cried

"It was funnier when jimmy did it!" cried Peyton

"Well to bad!" Zacky cried back

They both stuck their tongue out at each other and started laughing.

"Alright guys move it or loose it you know the director is going to chew our asses" said Brian

They gathered on stage and started the main event off with Bat Country.

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