Chp 5- After Party.....not so good

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We were all on the bus and Matt did role call like a teacher making sure all his kids were there during a fire drill

"Brian!" ......."Here"


"Johnny"....."Here in hell"

"Shut up dude!" yelled matt and all we all laughed.

"Zacky"....."why am i always last!?" asked zacky jokingly


"Katie"........"can you not see me?" i asked

"Smart ass!" yelled Matt

"I know" I replied back


Matt finished role call and let out

"Hitting the road Bitches!....To the after Party!" he yelled loud and proud

It took awhile of course it was at some over run bar in the middle of Nashville on Friday, worst day to go to a bar! Of course it was so crowded you couldn't walk to the actual bar with out running into a grumpy bitch or a drunk ass hole that always had to give you a messed up whiny ass comment. Never been to a bar before  but i was already beginning to get pissed off! Peyton didn't seem anymore excited and Vicki just seemed familiar with it. We weaved through the crowd and finally got to the bar. Us girls weren't to excited about alcohol but we got a beer or two to please the guys. Wasted is what the guys were about an hour later, laughing and joking, isn't that how everyone starts. Of course the wrong people were there at the wrong time. Brian started messing with me and i thought it was cute cause he could barley see straight. He accidentally bumped into this one big dude and spilt his beer.

"Hey why dont you get your drunk ass out of the bar! And take your whore with you!" said the man.

With Brian being drunk it turned into a big mess.

"Shes not a whore!" he yelled back and guess what he did next. yep of course he did swung as hard as his drunken body would let him and upper cutted the ass hole. Next thing you know he jumps up and tada we got us a bar fight! Brian and the man were swinging punches. I ran over to pull Brian away matt yelled at me no but it was to late he swung and landed one on my eye quickly spun around and landed another punch in the gut on the guy. The mans friends pulled him away and jimmy n Matt pulled Brian away and took him back to the bus. Vic and Peyton helped me up and we followed  with Zacky and Johnny Behind. We all piled back on the bus. Brian looked fine for all i was worried. I don't know but i was more worried about Brian than i was myself even though i probably looked worse. My face hurt alot. I was to stunned to cry basically in shock.

Brian was on the couch his face in his hands with Matt and Jimmy trying to comfort him. Peyton was holding a bag of ice to my face while Vicky was getting ice for Brian. I'm guessing Peyton didn't really see what happened to me cause she was asking me questions.

"What the hell happened in there! All i saw was Brian getting twisted up with the other guy!" exclaimed Peyton

"I got punched" i said softly

"What the hell? By who?!" Peyton asked eagerly

"Brian" is all i said

Peyton was pissed. She was getting ready to storm over there and ask what the hell was wrong with him. I grabbed her arm before she could.

"It wasn't his fault...He thought i was one of his friends jumping on him" i said not knowing if that was completely true

"He still could have loo" she said as i cut her off.

"Do you think he had time to look!?" i asked frustrated "he would of got his ass handed to him if he stopped"

Peyton just looked at me with a mad expression and stormed away. Me knowing she was pissed cause i stood up for someone who hurt me. Knowing her she probably went to scream in a pillow.

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