Not Just Another Werewolf/Vampire Fairytale part one

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*hope you guys like it!!!! vote vote vote!! and dont forget to comment<33*


Ugh, stupid alarm clock. I turned over on my back and hit the snooze button. Just five more minutes, I promised myself.

"No Jessie, get up or you'll miss the bus, again!" Grrr, my mom was forever being the practical one. I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked at myself; my shaggy blond hair was sticking out every which way, flopping over my stormy blue-green eyes. I washed my face and brushed my not quit shoulder length hair. When I went back to my room and caught sight of the alarm clock, I swore under my breath and hurriedly pulled on jeans and a black T-shirt with the words 'That's what she said' on the front, and laced up my neon green converse's. Yea I'm one of 'those guys', you know the converse loving, skinny jean wearing, skateboarders. Who knew my style would come back to bite everyone in the ass.

You wouldn't believe how much I got made fun of for my style, until some movie star made it 'acceptably cool'. Now I can't believe how many people wear it, makes me proud.

I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door, just as the bus was pulling up. I sprinted down the porch stairs and hopped on the bus, sitting on the first empty seat available, which happened to be the very front one. I put my IPod head phones in my ears and blasted My Chemical Romance.

I'm usually a loner, I sit by myself most of the time unless forced other wards. I enjoy silence. Don't get me wrong I'm not COMPLETLEY antisocial; I skateboard with a few people from school, but usually I'm reading or listening to music, or both. Like I said I enjoy my silence, but I'm positively addicted to music. So with that said, you would understand how I felt when someone sat next to me. I turned to see who it was, and to find out why they were sitting by me, when I knew for a fact that the seat across from me was empty. It was a girl around my age, which is fifteen (sixteen in two and a half months) who I didn't know. But that didn't mean anything since I don't know very many people at this school. I paused 'Fake It' by Seether and she looked at me. Her hair was silver, there was no other color to compare it with; it wasn't grey or white, but a shiny, silky silver, with a thick strip of violet purple in front of her left eye. But what was really strange was that her eyes matched her hair, a silvery/purple. Probably contacts, I thought to myself, unconvincingly. She was wearing a T-shirt that matched her purple scheme, skinny jeans and purple converses. She was gorgeous, but I was a loner.

"You know there's a seat right there that's empty?" I asked

"Yea, I noticed, your point?" Her voice was like music-no that's stupid people voices don't 'sound like music'.

"Um, my point is; why are you sitting with me if there's a perfectly good EMPTY seat right there?"

"Well this is a perfectly good EMPTY seat." She retorted, patting the seat for emphasis.

Ugh. "Well that-" I said pointing to the seat across from me. "is a perfectly good empty not-by-me-seat." I didn't like being mean, but she wouldn't take the hint.

She narrowed her eyes and a small knowing smile spread across her face. "I get it, you want to protect you loner status." She said. I just looked at her. "Well kid I'm a loner to, and us loners have to stick together." She winked at me and got her IPod. When she pressed play Creed spilled out. I smiled a Just-My-Luck kinda smile and put my music back on.

Well either I ignore her and hope she goes away, for her own good. Or I embrace her and have a friend, which by the look of it, likes some of the same things that I like. But the probable with that is-my past. I don't want her or anyone to be tainted by me, or hurt. *Sigh* It would be better to leave her out of that, my soul was already tainted, I didn't want to further it.

I was so deep in thought that when the girl tapped my shoulder I nearly jumped out of my seat. I paused my music and looked at her.

"My names Anastasia Geneva, by the way. What yours?"

I sighed again. "Jessie Tariq" I replied, so much for ignoring her. She looked thoughtful for a minute then she said "Did you know that Tariq means nocturnal in some language, I forgot which one." She was looking at me like I was a science experiment. Um, oookay, that's different.

"Um, you mean like the animal that sleeps during the day?" I asked

"Precisely." She gave me a creepy smile and laughed

"Does yours mean something?" I asked, I'll admit she made me curious. She seemed curious about me to.

"Yea it means 'The Women." She rolled her eyes. "Anastasia The Women, I mean really?" she laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with her, her laugh was like bells tinkling-Crap no it wasn't! Grr.

*authors note!! hey guys this is just a little taste if you like-tell me and i'll continue-and question?? what do you think of the title?? stupid?? if so what else should i call it i could use your help =P thanks*

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