Not Just Another Werewolf/Vampire Fairytale part six

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At first I told myself that there was nothing different about the guys (Ana, Gecko, Gareth, Tami, Tamra, and Phil), but the more time I spent with them the more I started to see the strange things that seemed to happen around them, and I started to question my sellf.

I found out really fast that Tami, the one with the red hair, had a VERY quick temper. Sometimes she would get so mad I swear I saw her start to smoke. But a word from Tamra and she'd calm down again.

But one day it was different, it was the day I started REALLY noticing the weird things that happened around me. I noticed right away the tension between Tami and Phil, when Gareth picked me up for school. (it had become a routine for him and the others to pick me up in the mornings and for me and Ana to ride home on the bus.)

"What's going on guys?" I asked

"Tami's sensitive." Said Phil and Tami kicked the back of his seat. "Phil stole my homework then let his nasty little beastie eat it! Now I'm going to have detention!" she growled.

"Oh cry me a river, Tam! Raz didn't know it was important. He said he was sorry." Phil replied.

"Who's Raz?" I asked,

"He's my German Sheppard."

"And he said he was sorry?" I asked incredulously.

"Well yea- I mean no I was just saying that." He said doubtfully.

"You JERK!!" cried Tami

"You cry baby grow up already." We were walking through the deserted hall way by now, late as usual. Tami stared at him open mouth for a minute and then her face took on a concentrated look. Phil's shirt start to smoke and singe around the edges, he just laughed uncontrollably. Tamra said something to her to quietly for me to hear, and she calmed down only to say in a sugary sweet voice, "Hope you don't have anything important in your back pack." He looked at her confused and said, "What? Why?" and Phil's Slip Knot back pack burst into flames. He dropped it to the ground and a few seconds later the flames went out just as quickly as they came and there was a puddle of ashes left behind. At this they all turned to look at me (except for Phil who was looking at his ruined back pack) "What the hell?" I said faintly, "I must be seeing things." But I knew what I had seen and it was real. And from that moment on I started to wonder who or what they are, and I started to see the things that they did without knowing I was watching them. Like how Tami made sparks dance around her desk when no one was watching, and how Tamra would make a puddle appear on her desk and make little waves in them.

Another thing I noticed was how all the plants seemed to bend toward Gecko. When we sat outside for lunch the grass seemed to reach out for him, and when he walked under trees it was like they tried to grab at him. And that wasn't even the strangest part of it. Every once in awhile, I would catch him whispering to the plants, the plants outside and in and I swear I could hear them whispering back.

And the animal's. They followed Phil like he was there king, especially dogs. They would show up randomly and circle around Ana and Phil or just come and sit with them, begging for attention. But a sharp but gentle command from them sent them off. But the day the Malamute came to us set everything in motion.

We were sitting outside in the afternoon sunlight for lunch, eating and joking with each other. She came out of nowhere and sat at Ana's and my feet. We happily scratched its bloated belly.

"She's pregnant." Stated Ana with a smile, then the principle walked up huffing a puffing.

"Get that mangy mutt off of my school property before I have someone put it down!" he yelled, Phil and Ana stood up angrily and the rest of us (including the dog) stood up with them.

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