Chappy 3

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Hazel’s P.O.V.

I angrily slam the door to my flat. Furious doesn’t even begin to describe the way that I feel right now. Why, out of this whole world, did she have to come to London? I mean honestly. And the best part is, she dating Harry’s best friend. Note the sarcasm. I really see no upside to this situation.

I sigh and sit down at the kitchen table. My rental apartment, or flat as the British would say, is quite nice. It has dark hard wood floor that goes throughout the entire apartment and cream walls that do the same. The kitchen was quite big with marble counters, white cupboards and an island in the middle. There were two rooms, a master and a guest, and an office.

I grabbed some microwave lasagna and threw it into the microwave. I sighed deeply before walking over to the phone. It was my phone, or in other words, it was my untraceable phone. I slowly dialed the numbers and held the phone to my ear.


Very few people on this planet could make me this nervous.


T, my boss till the deed is done, could make me disappear without a trace.


I’m a highly trained personal, few people can take me down, and T can.


“I told you not to call unless you had a sighting or you killed him,” T snapped.

“Sir, I’ve got a sighting on the target, Sir,” I nervously say.

“Good. Do you have a plan,” T snapped.

“Affirmative,” I replied.

“Good, now don’t call back till you kill him, got it? Good bye,” T hung up.

I sighed, again. I hated T with all my heart. But I had no choice.

I thought back through today’s events. Finding Harry was the highlight. I have to say, I’m really happy I went with the French girl. I will look extremely innocent, well, when they realize that’s not true, it will be too late for them. I’m fairly shoet with a 5’4 figure and almost angelic looks. Yes, I look angelic. Ok, for the plan, I’m going to need help, from the best.

 Ben Patterson is his name. He is a master of disguises, fake accents and very good at pyrotechnics. He and I are the best of friends, more or less brother and sister. We trained with each other for a while, that was till after the incident that nearly cost me my life…

No! Stop going back to that time. Forget about it and don’t look back.

I heard the timer ring on the microwave, snapping me out of my day dream-err-nightmare. I would call Ben in the morning to see if he was around. For now, I would just enjoy my dinner and a good book.


Who is this Ben, eh?

What about the incident, what happened there?

Who is T?

Why does T want Harry Dead?

Wow I feel so powerful because I control all those things!!! MWHAHAHA *cough cough* sorry hairball.

Any who…

I hope you all liked it!!!


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