Chapter 4

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“I wanna stand with you on the mountain…”

It was 3am. Rhea woke up with a start and answered her phone. “Rakshay!” she automatically said, “I’m seriously going to kill you, it’s THREE o’clock!”

“Rakshay? No, this is Krish,” the voice replied.

Rhea sat up in shock and felt ill. She didn’t know what to do. She hadn’t spoken to Krish in a really long time and she was shocked that he had called. She wasn’t prepared for this at all.

“Oh hi Krish… how are you?” Rhea asked nervously.

“I’m good Rhea, how are you doing?”

“I’m alright, was just sleeping”

“Oh, sorry to wake you up, I didn’t realize the time difference.”

“It’s okay...”


Neither of them knew what to say. Rhea was confused. She felt terrible. She didn’t know what to do. Some feelings were coming back to her but she knew she had to control herself and not let them become as dominant as they were before.

“I have to go Krish… I don’t think I can talk to you…I’m trying to get over you…remember… it’s over…”

“I understand Rhea… It’s just that I miss you…”

“No Krish, please don’t say things like that. I’m sorry I can’t talk to you… I can’t hear all this. It’s taken me a while to get to the stage I’m at right now,” she pleaded with him. Hoping he would just stop and let her get back to her life.

“Oh so now its Rakshay is it? Didn’t take you too long to get over me did it Rhea. I see what sort of girl you are. I was such a fool!” Krish replied, very sarcastically.

This made Rhea angry, “Krish! Shut the hell up. Rakshay is my close friend and if you can’t accept that then it’s hardly my problem. Goodnight and Goodbye. Don’t call me ever again.” and she hung up.

Rhea burst into tears and went to her living room; she didn’t want Mehr to wake up.

“I wanna stand with you on the mountain…”

“Krish! Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to talk to you?! Just go away and never ever call me again. You are the most disgusting person I know. I hate you. How dare you say stuff like that to me!?!” Rhea screamed into the phone.

“Hey hey hey Rhea, it’s me, Rakshay. What happened?” Rakshay’s concerned voice came through the phone.

“Oh… sorry… I’m extremely sorry I thought it was... well Krish… he called 2 minutes ago and we sort of had a fight… he said some nasty stuff to me…” Rhea couldn’t talk anymore. The tears had started falling again.

“Hey darling, don’t cry. I know you don’t want to talk about it but I also know you won’t be able to sleep. Listen, I’ll come over in ten minutes okay. Just hang in there,” and with that he hung up.

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang and Rhea answered it. She was sitting in the living room the whole time, sobbing. Rakshay came in and gave Rhea a huge hug, “Rhea, don’t be upset please. It hurts me to see you upset. You’re the sweetest girl I know and you don’t deserve to be upset or hurt in anyway. Forget about Krish he doesn’t know what he’s left… he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on... he doesn’t realize how valuable you are… don’t cry okay… come on… give me one of those big heart stopping smiles.”

Rhea smiled. They sat down on the couch and talked all night. Soon it was 4am… then 5am… and they both fell asleep, like that, on the couch.

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