Everyday is a winding river, it changes with the seasons; it creates a never-ending cycle.
But how much can that river take until it overflows.
The heart of the banks are untamed and wild; just as my emotions are.
A storm arises within my soul, the sweet waters of this river thrashing violently.
Nothing in this disturbance is real, it never was real.
My pain and all of these lies caress me into a harsh wave.
I can't get out, but why would I want to?
The pleasure of this depressive weather clings to me as if a lone grey cloud hovers over me.
All the animals are hidden, all hope lost, so they hide from the angry storm.
Rain pelts and wind screeches in a turbulant madness that sucks me into the typhoon of darkness.
Why can't I get away?
Why are all of these storms killing me softly inside?
My heart and mind are disturbed now. All of my happiness just gets washed away into a nothingness.
Dark cumulous clouds blacken my aura of light purity.
If only my heart would delay such madness.
But my mind can only take so much; the river muc overfill at some point.
Not even a drop willbe spared from spilling over the tipping point.
I'm just about at the breaking point to when this storm becomes a hurricane.
Hope for my survival is low but I know a presence will bring me ba k from peril.
I trust that spirit, vice versa with the spirit of me.
Make this haughty storm vanish in white fluffy clouds above this horizon; make mlife whole again.
The Bloody Heart
PoesíaPoetry from my heart, and also songs, that breathe like fluid english language.