DDM Your parents are getting a divorce. Niam

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Niall: "So that's it? Your leaving?" You looked down. Your dad sighed giving you a side hug. "Look I know it's going to be hard for you. But your going to live with me." He kissed your head. "Yeah but it's going to be hard for mum." "Don't worry your giving to see her every other weekends." You nodded. "You're mum is packing your bag right now so you better say a long goodbye." You nodded and headed to your mum.

Liam: "So your going to be happy?" "I'll be upset. But I'm not going to be happy I won't see you as much." Liam said looking down. "So I'm staying with mum then?" He nodded. "You can see me in the weekends. And a lot during the summer and this is your last week and your leaving anyway." You nodded. "I'll miss you. It will be weird you not coming home." You whispered. He sighed. "Yeah well you'll get to have your own MASSIVE room." You smiled. "Yeah in this house I have a Harry Potter one." You giggled and so did Liam. "Yeah well this room will have loads of space." He brought you into a hug and kissed your head. "I'll see you on  Friday then?" You nodded. He stood up and got his bags. "Bye baby girl." You waved. "Bye dad." He kissed your mum on the cheek and went off. That's when the tears started and your mum brought you into a hug letting you cry.

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