Louis DDM part 3

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"I don't know dad. I mean Harry has treated me like I'm his own." "Well you're not his! You're mine! You're my daughter! I need you back! Ever since you left I've been miserable!" "Well that's you're own fault! If you didn't side with Danielle we wouldn't have been in this mess!" "Can we just forget about Danielle and try to make our relationship better! Like back to normal!" "I don't know dad-" "see we're already half way there, you're calling me dad!" You rolled your eyes. "Louis, just leave her alone." "No! She's my daughter not yours!" "It's obvious she's not bothered! She doesn't want you to be back in her life Louis!" Louis looked at you. "Y/n?" You stayed silent. "Y/n, please." "What do you want me to say dad?! What do you want me to say?! "Oh I forgive you dad! Let's go on a daddy/daughter day and get McDonalds like we did in the good old days! You know before I ruined your life?" Louis looked at you shocked. "Why can't you just let me try!? I miss you! You're my daughter and I love and miss you. I want to make things back to normal! Please just give me one last chance." You sighed. "I'm still staying with Harry until you prove that you're going to change!" He smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. "Thank you so much baby."

1D DDM/BSMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora