DDM Niall

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Ok so this one is like the Louis and Harry imagine when you think they don't love you and you get hurt. Well there is going to be a fire in this one. Just thought I should change it a bit. Enjoy

Having Niall Horan as a dad is not always sunshine and lolly pops. There is a downside. You and him have very bad arguments and tonight was the worse one. He stormed out and left you alone. Your old enough but you were still scared he wasn't coming back tonight. But you decided not to worry to much since you and the boys basically down the road. You got hungry and decided to make something to eat turning the oven on and waiting till it heats up in the living room. You sighed and sat on the couch. The argument was pointless. You can't even remember what you were arguing about. It just started as a conversation then suddenly he got angry and just started screaming. You hated arguing with your dad. After a few hours you were getting tired. So you decided to head upstairs and go to bed. Completely forgetting the oven. Niall's p.o.v: I hated fighting with Y/n, it always ends up bad. So I decided to go to the pub. I've only had to beers. So I'm not drunk and I'm not tipsy. So I decided to head home. On the way back i bumped into Liam. "Hey Niall, did you hear!?" "What?" "There's a fire in your street." I went wide eyed and ran home with Liam behind me. Louis and Harry were heading there as well. When I got there my heart dropped to my stomach. Downstairs was up in flames. "Y/N!!!" The boys went wide eyed. "Y/N'S IN THERE!!?" Louis yelled pointing towards the house. I nodded. "I need to get her out!" I was about to walk in when the whole place exploded. Me and the boys fell back. When I stood up the whole house was nearly burnt down to the ground. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Niall screamed running towards the house. But a fire truck and an ambulance came up. Two people came up and stopped me. "LET ME GO MY DAUGHTER IS IN THERE!!" I got out of the two guys grip and ran in the house. I started couching. "Y/N?!!!" I heard couching. "DAD!!!" She's alive. How the hell is she still alive? Not that I wanted her dead I'm just so relived she survived that explosion. "Y/N, FOLLOW MY VOICE!!" "I CAN'T!!!" "WHY NOT?!!" "I'M TRAPPED!!" My heart fell to my stomach. I couldn't stop couching, my throat started to hurt. "I'LL FIND YOU DON'T WORRY!!" I started walking taking off my hoodie and putting it over my face. "Y/N!!" I didn't hear her. "Y/N, SAY SOMETHING!!" This is putting the fear in me. "Y/N, COME ON PRINCESS ANSWER ME!!!" After I yelled that I coughed really badly. Then I felt I kicked something. I looked down and saw Y/n. I gasped. I saw that a piece of wood landed on her. "NIALL!!!!?" I heard Louis and Harry yell. "NIALL YOU NEED TO GET OUT THE PLACE IS GOING TO FALL!!!" "I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER!!!" I tried lifting the wood up but failed. I tried again but failed because I started coughing. "NIALL HURRY!!" "I CAN'T Y/N'S UNCONSCIOUS AND SHE'S STUCK!!" I heard footsteps then saw Louis and Harry. They started coughing really badly. "Ready on three!" Harry said. "ONE TWO THREE!!!" We lifted up the wood and i quickly grabbed Y/n. We quickly headed out. We got out. I put Y/n, on the ground. When I did that the house blew up again. Me and the boys were coughing badly again. Then an ambulance person came up to us. They took Y/n, off me and someone took me, Louis and Harry away. They sat me down and checked me. I looked at the ambulance Y/n, was in. "Do you know if my daughter is ok?" The nurse sighed. "I'm sorry son I don't." I sighed. "Can I see her?" "I'm afraid you need to wait the now love." She looked at all my burns. "You've got some really bad burns here. We need to take you and your friends to the hospital." "Is it the same hospital my daughter is going to?" She nodded. "Can I not go in the same ambulance as here just so I know she's ok?" She sighed then nodded. She helped me stand and walked me over to Y/n. She was looking pale. Even with burns on her face. "Y/n?" "This is her father. The one who went to save her with his friends. He wants to ride in this ambulance with her so he knows she's ok." The other nurse nodded and helped me in. "Is she ok?" "We don't know yet. We need to run tests in the hospital." "Please make sure she's ok... I'm all she has left." "Where's the mother? If you don't mind me asking." "We got a divorce three years ago. She cheated on me. She has a family with him now and they're married." "Sorry to hear that." "It's fine. I don't miss her. The only thing I loved about her is that she gave me a daughter." The nurse smiled at me. "Right off we go now." Just as she was about to close the doors Louis and Harry came up. "She ok?" "Don't know they need to run tests." "Ok well we're going to the hospital for our burns and Liam is meeting us there." I nodded. "Bye guys." I said. They waved and headed back to their ambulances. They closed the doors and off we went. I held Y/n's hand all the way there. "Please be ok. I'm sorry for all the times we've argued. I love you so much and I can't loose you." I kissed her cheek. We finally arrived to the hospital. They rushed her into the room and took me to the one next to her. I wasn't paying attention to what they they were doing to my burns I was to busy watching Y/n. After half an hour they turned to me. "She's fine. Just a broken leg and a fractured wrist." I smiled. "Thank you." He smiled softly back. I stood up and walked closer to her. "Your ok baby. Your going to be ok. I'm going to be a better dad to you. We'll always have a laugh from now on. I'm going to be the best dad you could ask for. I love you." I said kissing her cheek. "I love you too dad." I looked at her and saw her smile. I smiled back. "I meant it by the way. I promise I'll stop the fighting between us." "I know you will dad." I smiled and kissed her cheek and just sat next to her talking to her for the rest of the day and the rest of the boys came after Harry and Louis got the all clear and we just talked for the rest of the day and night.

1D DDM/BSMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora