BSM He likes your twin more part 2

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So this is the part two of my very first imagine on this book. Sorry for the VERY LONG wait.

Harry: You instantly felt guilty when you saw Harry's tears. You hated when Harry cried it's like your worst nightmare especially when it's your fault. "Harry-" "Don't Y/n!" "Well Harry can you blame me?! You kept leaving me for Rachel!" "Yeah because we were buying you stuff. It's your birthday next week! I'm taking you tomorrow." "Oh. Sorry." He sighed. "You need to stop jumping to conclusions." "Yeah your right I'm sorry." He opened his arms for you to run into them. You were literally in his arms in a space of a nanosecond. "I'm sorry Harry." "I'm sorry too. I didn't know you felt like this. I should have realised." "It's ok. I forgive you." "I forgive you too."

Niall: Niall and Cameron walked into the living room. "How the hell can you think we don't care about you?! You're our only sister." Cameron said sitting down next to you and pulling you into a side hug. "I don't know... I guess I just got jealous how you and Niall were so close." "Don't be. There is no reason to get jealous." Niall said sitting at the other side of you. "Yeah you may be annoying at times." "Thanks." You said rolling your eyes but smiling.  "It's true Y/n, we love you. Yeah sometimes we don't show it but we do." You nodded smiling. "Ok. Sorry i thought that you didn't care." Niall and Cameron smiled. They pulled you into a hug. "It's ok. We love you." They said at the same time. "And we're sorry too." Then you felt another pair of arms around you. "Sorry I felt left out. All my siblings hugging. And me just standing there like a tool." Greg said hugging the four of you tight. You all giggled and made Greg join the hug properly.

Louis: When you ran upstairs, Louis was standing there feeling guilty. Then he felt a hand hit him. "OW!!" He said rubbing the back of his head. Lottie then looked at him. "You idiot!" "I know." "You better fix this Louis or I swear to god Y/n, won't be the only one mad at you!" He nodded and ran upstairs. He went to your door and tried to open it. But I was locked. "Come on Y/n, open the door!" He said banging his hand on the door. "No!" "Come on Y/n, please? So we can sort things out?" "Well you called me a bitch Louis!" "I know I did and I feel terrible. Please just let me apologise." He then heard you sighing and unlocking the door. He was about to open it when you bet him to it. "Well say sorry then!" "Ok I'm sorry that I called you a bitch. I had a bad day and I took it out on you. I don't know why I only took it out on you. It was stupid and I'm sorry." You sighed. "Ok you said you were sorry now, bye." You were about to close the door on his face when he stopped it with his foot. "Look, I just apologised to you and your going to shut me out?!" "Well I didn't say that I was going to forgive you easily." "Come on Y/n, can this forgiving be a one off?" "Oh what you going to call me a bitch in the future then I take it?" He groaned. "For God sake Y/n, can you please forgive me! I'm sorry for what I said! Ok. But if I had a backspace button on me I would take it back. Please Y/n." You sighed. "I don't know." "Please." You sighed again. "Ok fine." He smiled and pulled you into a hug. "Louis, can't breathe." But he just hugged you tighter and put you back down. Then he picked you up over his shoulder. "Louis, I'm like 2 inches taller than you how the hell you doing this?" "I'm not that small." "Louis you have to stand on your tiptoes just to kiss my cheek." You said giggling. "Well to have to slouch to hug me. So HA!!" Then he put you back down. Then you pushed him back. Then you ran downstairs and jumped on the couch everyone else joining you. Then had a little family night.

Liam: When Liam left your room you ran after him. "Liam wait!" "No! You're right I'm a terrible brother and I should have been there for you more. I made you feel like you weren't good enough to he be my sister!" "Liam I wouldn't go that far." "No it's true Y/n. I made you think that I like Luke more than you. And that's wrong to make you think that!" He was pacing back and forth around the living room. "LIAM STOP!!" He jumped and stood still. "Liam I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I thought you forgot my birthday. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry." "You have nothing to apologise for. I'm sorry." You smiled and pulled each other into a hug. "I forgive you." You both said at the same time. You both smiled and then called Luke down. Everyone else was away out so you three sat in the living room and brought down your gifts Liam gave you and played games on your new phone.
Ok so this wasn't very good. Again sorry for the long wait and I'm sorry they forgave each other so easily.

1D DDM/BSMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora