Chapter 15

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Naruto silently gasping as Hanabi finished her story. It pained the both of them but it still struck Naruto harder. His heart was hammer in his chest again. He tried to steady himself by leaning his weight on the ground whilst trying to get air back into his lungs from his heart beating so fast and leaving his lungs deprived of the precious oxygen.
"Why Naruto? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Kurenai asked, so shocked at things that she was so oblivious about in this village could get this horrible.
"Because... None of you treated me like friends." Naruto gasped out, still trying to replenish air. "I didn't know how to say it. I was so scared. So scared you guys would laugh at me."
"Why would we laugh at you?!" Sasuke yelled.
"Because," Naruto whispered, "I sold my body."
"You did it to protect me!" Hanabi yelled, tears welling in her eyes.
"Anbu! Bring them to Ibiki and Anko! Tell them they can go all out have all the fun they can before this bastards are executed before today!" Tsunade barked, her blood boiling over, she was thinking about what torture would hurt the most as she would join Ibiki and Anko later.
Kurama grinned. "They can at least have a good 5 hours of fun."
The council had been dismissed immediately after Hanabi finished by Tsunade so that they wouldn't be nagging and causing lots of fuss about Tsunade's decision. Naruto leaned his forehead on the ground, holding in that grunt of pain so that no body noticed him. He went back to his head bowed position quickly before anyone noticed. "Naruto, I want to thank you for what you did for my daughter." Hiashi said. Naruto raised his head and bowed slightly to show his respect. "It's nothing. She was really strong. She would grow up to be a fine kunoichi." Naruto said before the world went dark.
"Naruto!" Kurama was the first one. He was already by his side before anyone could even move a muscle. They had saw Naruto finish his sentence before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. The poison must be affecting him. It's getting from bad to worse. Why wouldn't you want to tell anyone, kit? Kurama thought to itself. "He's fine. Just a little shocked and traumatised from the events." Kurama said a small white lie. Naruto is traumatised but he wouldn't faint because of that. "So what do we do now?" Sakura asked.
"Forehead! Now we find out how Naruto can do the Nara clan's bloodlimit!" Ino exclaimed. Kurama sighed and picked Naruto up to put him in Temari's waiting arms so that he can henge into a normal human. "That would be for you to find out later. Now, you prepare for the festival and pack your bags because after this festival is over, you have to start your journey to Suna." Kurama said, taking the sleeping blond from Temari. "Festival... The kyuubi festival..." Temari mumbled. After a few seconds of staring at each other. "Sh*t!" The sand siblings cursed and then jumped off from the cliff to land on the ground, dragging Naruto's team with them and shouting a 'we'll be back' before disappearing into the crowd.
"What got into them?" Kiba asked. Shikamaru thought awhile, staring from Naruto to Kurama before he caught on, a small smirk gracing his face. "I'm going to the shops." Shikamaru announced before walking away.
"What? Why? What's going on?" Kiba asked, absolutely confused. Hinata and Hanabi grabbed Neji, who also caught on, before following Shikamaru. "Hey wait for me!" Tenten shouted to the Hyuugas, wanting to buy Naruto a birthday present too. Sasuke just left to without a word, cursing in his own head about not catching on sooner. Naruto never attended the festival! They never asked! They know nothing about Naruto except his name. But the thing they don't know is, even his name only half right.
This village drove away their greatest asset. The only person who is an heir to both the Namikaze clan and the Uzumaki clan.
The jonins, Tsunade and Shizune looked at the remaining genins. "You guys are really slow." Kurama said before walking away.
"Wake up up up up up." Kurama said, starting to try annoy Naruto to get up. "If you don't get up, I'll make Kami-San come to embrace you!"
"Don't you forget Kami loves you too!" Naruto groaned as he rolled over.
"Wake. Up." Kurama whined, as he shook Naruto who finally rolled out of bed. Kurama chucked a dark indigo kimono at Naruto. "Really? Do I have to go- never mind." Naruto said as he remembered he was the kazekage's body guard, meaning he has to go to protect his kage. Naruto dressed and he strapped his weapons in invisible but reachable spots. "You gonna come in or stay out?" Naruto asked as he walked to the door. "I'll stay out."
The two now proceeded into town, wary of their surroundings. Let's hope no one comes to annoy them. Naruto found then sand siblings somewhere near where Choji always eats barbecue. "Happy birthday!" Temari squealed after she had recovered from her fright that Naruto appeared out of nowhere. She pulled him into an embrace and planted a kiss on his cheek, surprising him. She held out a scroll that is wrapped elegantly. " I sealed a fan in there. It's too big for me to carry two fans so I sealed yours in."
"Thank you."
"Happy birthday, Naruto." Kankuro and Gaara both said after its finally their turn. Gaara gave him a new sword with stunning carvings or engravings. Kankuro gave him a scroll full of kunais and shurikens. Then they promptly pulled him into the BBQ shop. It was literally empty, Naruto assumed it might be because the festival is still a few hours away. "Something doesn't feel right." Naruto murmured to Kurama, his fingers wrapped around his long sword, tapping his fingers on it casually. "Come on Naruto! Relax!" Temari said, when she noticed Naruto's beautifully skinny fingers wrapped around the black handle of his sword. The lights suddenly turned off, causing Naruto to be on defence to protect Gaara.
"Happy birthday!" Everyone screamed as the lights turned back on again. His team was grinning at him, rookie 9 and their sensei stood around smiling or smirking;Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya was smiling at him. Hanabi looks like she was gonna explode from happiness. Naruto's hand tensed and pushed his sword, that was slightly drew, back into its sheath. Naruto eyed them all, confusion evident in his eyes. "What?" Naruto asked, not sure what to do.
"You have never celebrated your birthday?" Temari asked. Naruto loosen his grip on the sword before letting his arm dropped. "No?"
"Then have you been to birthday parties?" Kankuro asked, silently praying that Naruto has. His life can't be that bad that his friends don't invite him to birthday parties right?
"You have parties... On birthdays?" Naruto asked slowly, not sure what to do and what to say.
Temari twitched. "You people don't invite Naruto to your birthdays?!" Her exclamation made everyone cringe. No one has ever thought about inviting Naruto. Nobody even knew it was his birthday even though most have knew him for years.
"It's okay Temari," Naruto said, "thank you guys."
Temari took a deep breath before sighing. "Come on Naruto! Let's celebrate!" Temari declared.

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