Chapter Twelve

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The short poles under her feet started to roll off the end of the scaffolding as she struggled to keep her balance.

The archers raised their bows, arrows at the ready.

Xenas mother moved forward in the crowd to see better what was happening, despite herself she was worried for her daughter.

The warrior was now balanced on one short pole, which was precariously tying to role from under her.

To even the odds she began smashing the poles under Dracos feet with her staff, he wobbled backwards.

Xena jumped, the short pole rolled off, she landed, her legs wide, feet resting on the long poles supported by the wooden pillars, only slightly steadier then her previous footing.

The warlord was quickly losing his balance, the short poles rolling from under his feet. He jumped, turning a small somersault and landed as Xena had.

No the odd were even again.
He attacked, letting out a breath with each strike. "Shya!"

The warrior blocked his strikes, one two three four, her blue eyes determined.

She swept the staff at his head, he leaned out of the way, and swept his staff at her head in return, she ducked.

Xena pushed his staff in a half circle again, growling with effort. "Rrrgh!"

They both jumped right, each now balancing on one pole.

Draco struck overhead, Xena blocked. He struck the same way again, repeatedly, putting his full strength behind each hit, with her precarious position Xena could only deflect each strike. On the fourth blow, the pole beneath Xena started to crack from the sheer force and direction of the blows.

The warrior glanced down at the crack, but her face showed no fear.

Draco smiled savagely and resumed his onslaught. Two more blows and the crack became a large splinter bending under her weight. Three more and it gave way, Xena dropped towards the ground.

Her staff caught on two pillars, her feet swinging less than a foot above the dirt floor, her hands holding tightly to the suspended staff.

The archers pulled their bows taught, and aimed.

The breath caught in her Cyrene's throat.

Sounds of dismay came from the villagers, their lives depended on this woman as much as they might hate it.

Draco stood over her and brought his staff down on her knuckles.

"Why are you doing it Xena?"

He whacked her other hand, the slap of wood on flesh sounded.

"They're sheep!" His voice was angry, frustrated.

Xena clenched her jaw as he cracked at her fingers again.

"You're going to the die for them, and they despise you!"

He drew back for another blow.

However, as his staff came down again, Xena swung her legs up and caught the end of it between her feet; she kicked forward still holding it between her boots.

Draco was still holding the other end with both hands. The butt hit him directly in the face.

Xena swung backwards and up into a somersault that took her over Dracos head.


She landed behind and to the side of him, gaining an advantage.

There were cheers from the crowd.

He blocked her overhead strike backwards then turned to deflect the next blow.

The warlord was on the defensive, blocking the next two strikes as his balance on the long pole started to fail him.

He turned and tried to regain it by walking on the pillars, but he reached the last one and standing on one foot began to wobble.

Xena moved forward, anticipation on her face.

The pillar wobbled some more, Gar looked nervous.

Then just before it toppled from under him, Draco stepped forward and onto the head and shoulders of the crowd.

Sounds of discomfort came from people as Draco walked over the villagers; he stopped, each foot resting on the turbaned head of two men.

The warlord waved Xena forward, a smirk on his face.

"Come on Xena, walk on me, you can have my shoulders." One village man offered.

"I'll help you Xena." Another said.

The dark haired warrior launched herself into a somersault, she landed on the first villagers shoulders, and he teetered slightly then found his balance under her weight.

Wood met wood again; they exchanged furious blows, neither getting though the others defences. The crowd urged Xena on.

Draco moved closer, walking on the peoples heads, still no one gaining the advantage. Then the warlord hit one of the men Xena was using for balance in the chest, a dirty move.

Xena spun on one foot- twisting man under hers turban over his face- and kicked Draco in the chest with the other. She regained her balance with one foot on the mans head the other on his shoulder, the villager pushed the cloth from his face to try and see the result of her move. The warlord stumbled backwards, struggling to see over his shoulder, as he used more people try and balance himself.

Gar moved forward ready to catch the warlord if he fell.

Gar caught him and pushed him back up; Draco turned a somersault and landed back on two men's heads, a smug smile on his lips.

Xena turned and one handed cartwheeled away from Draco, using a villager womans head, and came to rest on the first mans shoulders, she glowered at Draco for breaking the deal.

The warlord came after her on the offensive.

Gar backed into his place at the wall. Gabrielle glanced at him, also disapproving of his helping the warlord to cheat.

Block, block, strike, strike, block, block. Everyone held their breaths as the two warriors continued to fight, their skill evidently closely matched but Xena was still obviously the superior warrior, she hadnt had to use to use to help her win.

Then Dracos eyes dropped to the villager under her feet.

Xena saw and quickly blocked the blow aimed at her supporters face.

Then she aimed for the warlords feet, hitting hard and making him step back. She looked up at him for a second- her jaw set, her expression determined- then continued to strike his feet, forcing him to back up.

One, two, three. Following him across the heads and shoulders of the crowd.

Draco lost his footing again, arms waving he leant backward.

Gar moved to catch him.

Gabrielle stuck her foot out, tripping the ginger haired man. He fell flat on his face.

The young woman smiled to herself.

Draco wobbled more, now standing on one mans head and shoulders, pushing the villagers hat down over his face.

"Uugh, arrgh." The villager struggled to stay upright.

Xena placed her staff on a womans head, and jumped forward using the staff to support her and using both feet kicked the warlord in the chest.

Xena Warrior Princess; Sins Of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now