Chapter Six

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 A small man short and stocky in stature with a bushy grey beard was driving his cart along the dirt road to Amphipolis,  his mind full of thoughts of trade and the gold to be made from it when he saw a young woman with long blonde hair lying spread-eagled on her back in the middle of the road, there was a pack resting on ground beside her, obviously she was traveling a long distance from the bulk of it. He pulled the horse to a stop and climbed off his cart.

 “ Hmm? By the heavens.” He mumbled something incoherently to himself as he trotted over to her. “Hey, are you dead?” He asked nudging her in the side with his boot.

 Gabrielle lifted her head and looked at the old man. “Where are you headed?”


 “Oh, it worked!” Gabrielle exclaimed getting to her feet. “I have been lying here supplicating myself to the great God Hermes, guide of travellers, begging him to send someone who’s on their way to Amphipolis and here you are! It’s a miracle, don’t you think?”

 “Not really.” The old man gestured to the road they were standing on.  “This is the road to Amphipolis; anybody that had come along here would have been headed there.”

 “Yeah but not everyone is a kindly old man who’ll give me a ride.”

 “You're right about that, I know I’m not going to give you a ride.” He said walking back to his cart as Gabrielle picked up her bag and followed him. “Oh no, no, you’ve got to.” She said running after him. “I’ll never make it by myself, I didn’t bring enough food, I’ve already gotten lost, twice, I wore the wrong shoes look at this…”

 “Look, I’m sorry I ain’t got any room.”  He went to get on the cart but Gabrielle put a hand on his chest stopping him. “My father will give a handsome reward when we reach Amphipolis. He’s very rich!”

 “What's his name?” 


 “Dolan?” The small man asked. “The horse breeder?”

 “Best horses in Thrace, I’ll make sure he gives you a fresh steed for troubles.” The young women said confidently. The old man laughed, Gabrielle slapped her knee joining in. “There ain’t no horse dealers in Amphipolis.” He said shaking his finger at her. Gabrielle’s grin faded.

 “It’s all sheep country.” He climbed up onto the cart.

 “I’ve been told I’m very pleasant company on a trip.” Gabrielle said trying desperately to get his attention back.  “I can sing, I know several poems which a recite with great passion. A traveling bard once gave me lessons.” Then putting on a dramatic voice, the young woman started to recite; “I sing of Oedipus, King of Thebes… the most tragic of men…

 “Whoa, whoa.” The old man held out a hand to stop her.

 “What’s the matter?” Gabrielle asked.

 “You’re going to tell me about Oedipus ? Hah, I knew Oedipus, I grew up in Thebes when he was king.”

 “You knew Oedipus? I’d love to hear all about him!” Gabrielle said smiling sweetly.

 After a pause; “Oh, well, I guess I could… Make you room for you up here somewhere.” He said looking behind him  “Oh, no, no need.” The young woman said as she clambered up the side of the cart. “I’ll just sit on top.” She settled herself and her pack on top of the sack just above and behind the driver’s seat.

 The old man turned to the front and gathered the reins.  “Oedipus, hahaha. The most tragic of all men… Hahahahaha!” He turned to look up at her. “Biggest fool of all men more likes.” “Haha…”

 “You knew him personally?” Gabrielle asked resting her arms on her knees.

 “Well no not personally but…”  He clucked the horse forward. “Tsk, tsk, come on.” The cart rolled off. “I saw him around….”

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