Chapter 4- Waking From the Dream.

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I was in a strange space. It's like before, only I can move. I hear a voice calling to me in the dark, but I cannot tell where it is coming from. I see two lights, and start walking towards them. They get brighter the closer I get. Just as I'm about to touch them, the ground begins the shake. All of a sudden, a huge wall appears around me. There are different shapes of all sizes moving around.

I recognize two of the figures. One is the Girl from before, the other is the old man I had seen. All the other figures seem to be to avoid them.

“It’s the cost of who they are,” a voice said.

I looked around to see who had said it, but stayed quiet. Something within me told me that talking to the voice might end badly. But why?

“Who are you,” I asked out loud.

“A person of the past that many have forgotten, my young experiment.”

The words he spoke echoed all around. Well, all but the word experiment. That one sounded like it came from below.

“And you are correct,” the voice said, as the ground opened up under my feet. I fell for what seemed like forever, until I landed in a black sea.

I held my breath and tried to reach the top. But something had me by the legs, and just pulled me further under the water. I let out the air I had held for so long, but realized it was only in vain. I could breathe normally.

“This is only a brush off the surface of what you can do. But first, I require something of you, little experiment.”

“Hold on, before I say anything, why do you call me that?”

“Well, it’s what you are. Just like all the others you will call brother and sister. Just like the girl you follow, and the one who watches over you.”

“And if I say I’ll meet you?”

“Then I will lend you power beyond what your small mind can comprehend.”

“And a no will mean…”               

“I will crush you with the same power I offer.”

I thought about it for a while, then spoke up.

“There’s something you’re not telling me. You won’t give up something like this with just a meeting.”

“I never said that meeting me will be easy. So do you accept?”

“Sure, what could go wrong?”

“You will see.”

Suddenly, the pull got stronger. The deeper I went, the more pain it brought. I had to get rid of it, so I let it build up, and then released a force to counter the pain. And as the ground shook, I woke up.

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