Chapter 3- The Day of Awakening.

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I was floating in a dark space for eternity, when I felt a sharp pain. I could feel it pour into every blood vessel in my body. It spread throughout my organs, causing a feeling of pain no one should be able to stand. The burning, it hurt so much. I was on fire. Every bone in my body screamed in resistance to the feeling. My head was crying out for relief. Then, my eyes opened up, and it got worse.

There was a bright light at first, But then my eyes adjusted. People in lab coats are running everywhere. Lights are flashing red. The pain returns, stronger then before, and my body contracts in order to gain some relief. But as I sat up, I felt hands pull me down, or at least try to. I sent one pair through a glass window separating the room from the next. Another was sent into some the machines. I was trying to fight, But the pain was too much.

The hands finally got me back down, and straps were put in place to hold me down. I could feel as my heart seemed to race faster and faster. The ringing in my ears started to fade, and through the loud alarm, the voices became clear.

".....vio..... I...peat. th... ubjec.... s...reactin.... violently to the chemical. I request Dr. Hydrolysis get here NOW!"

The noise got louder, but the screaming of my body left all words to fall on deaf ears. I was at the point to where I could feel my body slowly tear apart. My head went numb, and I could feel my brain catch on fire as the madness spread. Then, a new feeling appeared.

I felt something warm across my head. the pain began to settle, as I looked up. I could barely see at first, for the blood vessels in my eyes had been so stressed, they busted. But I heard one voice, and I knew who's hand was resting on my forehead.

"It's okay.....just calm down," the sweetness and gentleness seemed to make the pain fade. "I'm here...I know how painful it is, but you must stay strong. It will all be over soon."

As she talked, I felt my eyes burn a little more. There was a cold sensation run out of the corner of my eye. She reached over with her free hand, and wiped away the tear.

"Now, now. I don't need any of that. You're safe now, so just let these men finish there job."

The pain was almost gone now, but my brain still had the feeling of intense heat. My head was spinning, as if I was hit repeatedly. I could now hear the scientists as they began to calm down.

"Subject 9-6-5-3's vitals have returned to normal. But his brain wave activity is still being attacked."

"I'm reading a decrease in activity as well. Whatever the Tainted Mixture did to those poor kid might leave him brain dead if this continues."

"But how will he act? Surely the system just crashed since there was so much resistance."

"The readings I have say.......By the Five, please help this young man."

"What's wrong? And since when did you pray to the Five great beings?"

"Never mind the Five. It's the kid......these readings say that by tomorrow, when he wakes up....he will have the brain of a newborn."

"What!? Isn't there something we can do to prevent this?"

"No, we can't. But what we can do is pray. This is our first major fail with the new mixture. Let's pray that the beings Dwenhan, Wulven, Hirceis, Valcen, and Scrophin will have mercy on his soul, and help him through this hard time."

As they spoke, my eyes grew tired. Just about when I was blacking out, I heard two of the scientists talking. Ones voice seemed familiar to me, but I didn't know why.

"Doctor, how did you know that she could help?"

"Well, my boy, in my many years, if there's one thing I learned about raging animals, it's that no matter how big and bad they appear, there's always something to calm them. In this case, it was love at first sight that lent a hand in calming the temptation of rage. Haha, isn't young love wonderful, eh my boy?"

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