Chapter 2- A Day to Remember

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I open my eyes to a strange scene. I'm floating in what appears to be a cold, green, gel-like substance, supported by a harness made up of tons of wires, all hooked on a strange suit. There was a mask that provided air, water, and a weird tasting fluid that would change different flavors. I figure this is a food source. I mean, I don't even know what food is.....I think.

I look around to see more containers with people like me in them. Of course, all this is done with what little movement the mask allows. Suddenly, a figure catches my attention. A door opened in the back of the room, and a small figure stepped through. It was a girl, young age. Maybe twelve. As I watch, she starts to stop at each container. Then, she looks into mine, and our eyes meet. I felt a strange jerk in my chest. Judging by the way the gel changed her hair, it must be a bright red, maybe orange.....wait, what do these terms mean? Suddenly, she turns towards the doors. She hides behind me as two men, both wearing lab coats. As the check each container, my eyes get heavy. I close them, then drift off into a deep slumber.

I sensed her presence, and opened my eyes. It had been three years since we first met, and within that time, she had visited about three times a week. She walked up, and placed her hand on the glass, like always. I tried to do the same But the wires don't give me the freedom needed. She began to speak, so I directed me eyes to her lips, reading every word she said.

Ah, so today's talk is about life outside. She begins to tell me about how there are more like me and her, who come from the containers. She goes on to tell how some of the new subjects are stronger. I don't get what she means by stronger, but it doesn't matter now. She changes subjects, and starts talking about on of the doctors, like the ones from that first day. The one in charge like to be called "Father" by us subject, she continues. He also has allowed her time to come and visit, and that he told the other people that she has access to the "Vault,˝ which I guess is where we are held.

Then, a figure appeared next to her. He was and older looking man, and had on the same coat as the others. A bronze tag said "Hydrolysis" on it, so I think that's his name. He had a surprised look on his face as well. Then, the girl turned and said something to him, and I read, I could make out what they said.

"See Father, I told you he was awake. That means he can come out of the container, right?"

"You know I can't do that. Look here, see. The notes clearly say he's a 5th generation subject, we're only on the 3rd right now."

"But the others wake up when they're ready. Why does he-"

He turned to me, and as he looked onto my eyes, I felt a strange drop in energy. I was completely tired, and my eyes grew heavy. I looked up, and the girl had fallen asleep. She was it the old man's arms, But something was different about him. his eyes had became darker, with red slits in them. Dark lines and symbols had began to crawl over his skin, as if the shadows were trying to pull him in.

I lastly remember a figure appearing at his side. It was tall, and had what looked like armor. It outlined most of his upper muscles, like the gladiators that the girl had showed me out of a book. His arm was bare, except for the gauntlets he wore. He had black pants on, and boots that marched the armor by outlining the muscles. As he seemed to step out of the shadows, a long black trench coat appeared. The last I saw will stay with me forever. His mask was like a skull. It was a metallic black color, almost as if it we're made of metal itself. But his eyes burned into my mind. The glowing, blood red objects that looked through the mask met mine. The color would move, as if made of fire. Then, all turns black for what seems like forever.

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