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When we ran out of gas it was in a small town a state away from Montana, North Dakota.
The car ran out right outside of a small town called Pennywood and we decided to stay there a few days and get some stuff. I packed a bag and Leo took it from me making me smile and Poncho followed us as we walked into the town.
It felt so so good to finally have Leo back but there was something different whenever he was around now. My stomach always had a tight warm feeling and I blushed alot and places that I didn't think about often would be very tingly. It was so strange. But I loved it.
I held my hunting knife and he held a silenced pistol he had and we walked quietly and carefully through the town.

There was the sound of alot of zombies coming from a block away but before we could walk any farther someone tapped my shoulder, Leo was ahead of me. I jumped and almost screamed but Leo turned and quickly pulled me close and covered my mouth. I felt so small in his giant arms and I buzzed everywhere but all of that quickly faded as Irealized why he was holding me.
I nodded and took a deep breath and he let go and I looked at the person. It was Ryan from school. He had changed too. His hair was lighter and he was much taller. He looked much better but nothing compared to the change in Leo.
He motioned for us to follow and we looked at each other then quickly followed. He walked quickly and quietly and led us to a house.
Once we were inside Poncho laid on the ground next to the door and Ryan locked it then hugged me.
"I can't believe its you." He smiled then hugged Leo and he smiled.
Leo and Ryan were good friends in school.
I was smiling at the memories wjen all of a sudden I was attacked by multiple people. I was about to scream and start punching when I realized it was a few of my other friends. Kendra, Rachael, and Kaylee were smiling and hugging me. I smiled and hugged them and realized I had tears of joy streaming down my face.
After a while I helped them reinforce the windows and doors for the night and then we all sat and talked about the past couple of years.
Kaylee and Molly had done well for awhile and then one day Kaylee was messing around with a gun and shot Molly. She kept her as a pet for awhile but then let her go.
Rachael and Monica had lasted three years. Monica was the girl I absolutly hated and she was killed because her and a were going at it in the forrest and zombies got them.
I smiled when I heard that and Leo was happier and more relieved than anyone. Monica of course would be all over Leo right now. Just the thought made me mad.
Kendra and Ryan were together and somehow they all ended up here.
After eating and settling down for the night they each went to their rooms and Leo and I had to stay downstairs. I blushed because he had his mat laid out right next to mine. I could hardly sleep at first. But I knew Leo was asleep.
Hours of just laying there and listening to him and I couldn't help myself. I slowly rolled over and wrapped my arms around him. He smelled so good. I closed my eyes and burried my face in his chest and I started to feel him move.
I blushed deeply and got scared he would push me away but he didn't. He wrapped his big strong arms around me and pulled me closer.
I took a deep shaky breath and I felt his breathing go back to the way it did when he was awake and he spoke softly in a deep raspy voice that sent chills through my body,
"What are you doing awake Zoey?" I smiled and took a deep breath,
"I can't sleep Leo." He let out a sigh and held me close,
"Just go to sleep."
Suddenly as if him saying that worked, my eyelids began to get heavy and soon I was in a deep deep sleep.
Before I knew what was happening I jumped awake. Everyone was downstairs looking at the window and Leo looked at me,
"Its John and the group. They found us." My eyes grew three sizes,
"What? How crazy can they get?!" I was shocked and half of me didn't believe him. But I heard them. I heard John and Shane yelling for Leo and I to come out,
"Who are they?" Kendra looked back at us scared.
"They are evil people. We need to hide." Leo said nervously and looked around.
"Mabey they aren't going to do what you think they will." Ryan said stubbornly.
"What?! No. Listen to me. You all will get killed if you don't move now!" Leo took my hand and followed Poncho to a door in the kitchen,
"You can't just give them a chance?" Kaylee asked,
"Hide like the cowards you guys are. They are people. Not the dead." Ryan was not going to move and they were getting closer.
Leo ran through the door Poncho was at and it lead down to a basement. Leo quickly moved some stuff around and it opened into a small room that looked like it could fit one comfortably.
He quickly got in and pulled me with him. Poncho laid on my lap and it was pitch black and very cramped. I sat on Leo's lap and he help me close and tight. I pet Poncho nervously and listened.

The door to the house busted open with John and Shane walking around like they owned the place,
"Where are they?" John's voice was loud and carried through the entire house. It spent shivers down my spine and Leo covered my mouth so I didn't make any noise.
"Yeah. They just left. But we are very welcome if you guys would like some lunch." That was Kendra. Something sounded off, like as if she was scared.
Before anything else happened I heard shots. My body tensed and then I felt Leo's big hand cover my mouth and then his warm breath across my ear and neck as he whispered,
"If they hear us we will be worse then dead."
I nodded and I held onto his hand tight as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.
All you could hear for what felt like hours, was screams and gun shots then nothing.
I held my breath as we sat in the dark and quiet, then we heard one set of footsteps. They walked right above us then a little off and out of no where the basement door was opened loudly. Leo held me tighter as a new set of tears started falling and as I was breathing quicker.
The footsteps where louder as the person looked around the basement kicking things around but then stopped and it was silent again.
We waited and then the person walked upthe steps and multiple footsteps walked out of the house.

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