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Months went by. I stayed in Coldsprings in the tree house still. I had yet to see another person. Every day I went to a different house finding things I needed. It was hard at first, going through these houses. I knew these people. My friends, teachers, the people I had in my life. Eventually after months I was able numb my mind. I would work out eat and feed Poncho then go to the next house on my list. After getting the stuff back to the house I would put down a few more zombies and then I would stand in front of Leo's house. A shred of hope still was lit in me. I waited. I would wait hours. Waiting is all I could do.

One morning I woke up. It was a very warm day and when I woke up I smelled the bitter rusty hint of blood. My eyes widened and I immidiatly walked to Poncho and thoroughly checked every inch of him. Nothing. I sat criss crossed and the smell was more ripe there. Slowly I looked down and froze. There was blood in my crotch. Fear ripped through me.
Being only 10 when we got the talk. That was 4 years ago. I didn't remember hardly any of it. Terrified I got changed and I ran to the CVS in town. There had to be something.
As I walked in a flash back hit me of when I was a little walking in here with Grace. She went to the back and grabbed a box of something. She called them bandages but they were so big. I lit a firework across the street to draw the dead away from the store. When I saw them walk out I ran in quickly and ran back there and looked at all the things. Each said a pad of a different size. I grabbed some bags and quickly ran home. I read the back of both of them. I didn't understand them at all but they looked like they would work to collect the blood. I knew it was horribly disgusting but once I was going to through them away I would put them in a bag so if I had to the dead would go to the bloodied pads instead of to me. It was gross but in the days following it saved me.
Months went by in a blur and I checked every house but one over five times. They were all out of things I could use. It had been 5 years and I was running low on supplies so I decided I would go to the last house. Leo's house. I needed food. I needed clothes. It was the start of winter and I was 19 now. I was taller. I had muscle and I was surviving. And by surviving I was staying alive, my mind numb and Poncho growing older.
In the days leading up to me going to Leos I drained every car for gas and I packed it with all of the things I would need. I would finally leave.
Walking up to his house almost made all the feelings I forgot about come back. I quietly opened the door and threw down a snow globe. No dead. I walked in with my gun drawn and the framiliar surroundings made me smile. I hadn't smiled in awhile. Thankfully his pantry was well stocked and there was so much stuff I needed. I boarded up the windows and doors for the night and Poncho and I ate well that night and slept comfortably.
The morning came and I sadly woke up and got ready. Before I left I walked up to his messy room. I saw a photo of him and I. I smiled and took it then went to the car with Poncho.
Taking a deep breath I stepped on the pedal and began driving.

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