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Three weeks passed sence Poncho had passed away and I started function well again a little after. He was old. I missed him but I kept busy. Mostly just keeping warm and killing zombies. Leo was always going on supply runs but I was so happy the day it snowed so much the truck got stuck.
I woke up and Leo was facing his back to mine snoring like usual. I smiled and rolled my eyes as the fuzzy feeling krept its way into my stomach. I always tried to ignore that feeling so I walked over to the window and looked outside. There was so much snow on the ground and the truck was covered.
I smiled widely as I realized that meant we were stuck in here. He had no where to go. Then I blushed realizing he had no where to go. I was stuck in here with him. What would I do if I got that feeling while he was looking at me.
I took a deep breath and I heard him stretch and wake up. I looked over at him and sat on the mattresses that we stacked on eachother to make a bed. He smiled and looked at me,
"Morning." His voice was deep and scratchy like most morning. I smiled and melted on the inside when he spoke,
"Morning sleepy head. You're stuck with me for the day." I smiled and he layed back dramatically and spoke sarcastically,
"Oh no! I'm stuck with you?! Why do the heavens hate me?" I laughed and he wrapped his arms around ny waist and pulled me beside him. I hit him in the face with a pillow.
I wasn't unframiliar to his touch but each time I felt sparks and the fuzzy feeling.
I looked at him,
"What are you going to do? I mean because I am so annoying." I spoke in an equally sarcastic voice then got up when he started laughing.
"I'll get you some breakfast. You uncover the windows but not the door. It's stuck." I walked to the closet and he got up and walked to the door,
"Mabey for you. But I'm a man. I can do anything." I looked at him and crossed my arms,
"Oh really? Ok then superman. Open the door." I raised my eyebrows at him and he smiled proudly then faced the door and tried to open the door like he usually would.
His face immidiatly changed to confused and he pulled harder. It still wouldn't move. He used both hands. Nothing. He finally gave up and looked back at me. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom,
"Oh my gosh. Thanks for opening the door." I said amused and I didn't hear him walk in but as I was brushing my teeth I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind. I blushed but played it of. He would not win this,
"You were right." He looked into the mirror. His hair was still a mess. I put on my eye patch and fixed my hair. He burried his face into my mess if hair and sighed.
I smiled and intertwined me fingers with his and leaned back on him. He was warm and made me smile. I felt him smile and he held me there.
Time seemed to stop as he held me but after a few minutes I sighed and unwrapped myself from him. I had to sew some clothes that had gotten holes.
I walked to the bed with his favorite jacket and my sewing kit. He sat in front of me and I felt myself blush but I acted like I normally would and I started sewing. I knew he was staring at me but I had to do work for the day. After I was finished I set the needle on the ground then sat back up to look at the jacket. Before I got a chance to Leo put a hand on each side of me and looked me in the eye and I stared back at him a little scared so I instinctively moved back and he follwed me and he was above me.
I put my hands on his chest out of natural reaction and I was blushing deeply. We had kissed three times but that was it and they weren't romantic or anything. They were amazing but not for romantic interests.
I breathed a little quicker out of nervousness.
He smirked and his face was so close and he looked down at my lips every few seconds and I did the same as I thought about the kiss not realizing it. I must have looked like a tomatoe,
"What's wrong Zoey. Are you sick? Your skin is so warm and red." I tried to say something but my mouth wouldn't move and he brought his lips down to my cheek and he kissed in a line to jawline.
I closed my eye and my hands gabbed fistfuls of his shirt. The fuzzy feeling was all over my body especially in my southern region.
His lips were soft and warm and wet as he started kissing my neck making me shiver and crave more. I bit my bottom lip and moved my head some more for him.
I felt his smile and he kissed harder and rougher. A strange light noise escaped my mouth making me blush more and he slowly kisses back up to my lips. He didn't kiss me but he had his lips just touching mine. He breathed a little heavier just like me but I needed him. I kissed him hard and kissed me back.
I brought my hands up to his hair and grabbed handfulls of his hair and the kiss was making me explode on the inside. After a moment we parted when I became dizzy and smiled and rested his body on mine with his face on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed heavily.
"Leo." I breathed his name and he responded the same,
"Zoelle." Justhim saying my name in that moment sent fuzzies all over my body.
I wish the moment could have lasted forever but it was cut short when a car door slammed shut a little ways away.
Leo quickly got up and went to the window. I went behind him and looked.
"Crap." He breathed out as we saw John and Levi step out of the car with guns in hands. I quickly grabbed the bag we always kept packed and I filled it with the food we hand and went to the bathroom.
We made a doggy door for Poncho but it was always covered. He pushed it open and burrowed into the snow. I crawled in after him and sat against the door. It was a small snow cave and they wouldnt be able to see the dog door hopefully. Leo held onto me and tried not to breathe loud but I knew we wouldn't last very long in the snow. I held his bare hands to warm them and held onto him.
It would take John and Levi a little bit to make it through all the snow to even get to the shack. After an eternity of waiting and slowly freezing more and more the door to the shack finally slammed open making the whole this shake.
I looked at Leo and he looked at me and we stayed quiet and just waited.
Things crashed and broke and shattered as the searched the whole thing while yelling at each other and for us.
Them the worst thing happened, they agreed to just sit and wait. I looked at Leo and he pointed and whispered as quietly as humanly possible,
"Dig and crawl away. Ill meet you at road." I held onto him a little tighter but I nodded and looked at him. He kissed me sadly and his lips were cold. I kissed him back and then looked at him. He nodded and carefully moved.
I wrapped some socls around my hands and started digging.

I dug for as long I could and I was exaughsted and starting to freeze and it was getting dark out. I fought with myself whether or not to get up and look around but I decided no. I wouldn't chance it.
I kept going until my heart shattered and came up into my mouth when I heard a gun shot. Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought Leo was shot. I got a whole new amount of energy and I dug quickly. If they found Leo they would be after me quickly.
I dug until I couldn't see at all and my eyes could hardly stay open. I was freezing and out of tears at that point and scared more than I ever had been in my life. I couldn't sleep so I fought with myself if I should get up now or not. I decided to because it wad darker now.
I tried to stand up and it took a few tries to finally get up threw the snow. The snow went up up to my hip and I looked around. The shack was no where in site. But nothing else was either. No road, nothing. I quickly started trudging through the snow getting exaughsted more and more as I kept going. But I had to. I had to get to Leo.
I fell and couldn't get back up and my eyes refused to open. I was dying. I had to be.
I curled in a ball and tried to warm up and slowly started to sleep.

I heard foot steps. Heavy footsteps coming my way. I opened my eyes shivering and numb. I look around and then felt someone grab me and pick me up. I tried to scream but nothing happened.
I then closed my eyes and I tried to get away but my muscles must have been frozen. Warm lips pressed onto my and I fighted it at first because I was scared. I thought it was John and I tried to move away but the lips were so framiliar and I kissed back and the person pulled away.
I looked at them and it was Leo,
"You're frozen. Oh my gosh." He held me tighter and started walking. I kept trying to talk. To say how greatful I was for him to be alive but nothing came out and soon I heard him open a car door and place me into a warm car.
I closed my eyes and moved towards the warmth. Leo closed my door and got in and sat there watching me.

About an hour passed before I could move normally but I was still freezing and now I was sniffling. Great. Being sick will be so good to deal with.
"I thought you had died when I found you. I was so scared." Leo had his arms crossed on the wheel with his head on them,
"I thought they had killed you. I heard a gun shot." I looked at him curling into a ball.
"They did that to draw us out." He took a deep breath then starts driving,
"Time to find a new house." I nodded and held his hand as he drove. He smiled and held onto mine.
We drove for days and ran out of gas in a town entrance so we got out and started walking.
It was a rich neighborhood with big houses.
Leo held onto my hand and walked with me. There was hardly any snow here thankfully. As we walked I started to see a huge building and zombies inside, wait no. People. Lots of people.
I stop and show Leo. The building was a big retirment home. We both looked at it and then looked at each other. It was worth a try.
We walked to the door and were let in.

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