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Killer's P.O.V
( alarm goes off ) " Ugh " she shuts it off and goes back to sleep "School can wait " non other than her Best friend Alex walks into her room " Oh no you're not " he says as he rips the covers off her. She shivers when feeling the cold air against her now bare skin. " So...cold " Alex chuckles " Come on killer we're going to be late for school, now get your ass out of bed " "no school sucks " " come on it's not that bad and besides you have me " he says with a smile " who? " he picks up a pillow and throws it at her head hard " HEY!! What was that for?" " for being a smartass now get up and get ready " he throws a towel at her before leaving the room, she rubs her head " I need softer pillows, that actually hurt " after getting ready she meets up with Alex down stairs. " finally, ready to go? " " yep " she grabs her leather jacket and book bag on the way out. Arrives at the school and everyone looks at killer, she rolls her eyes. " I guess everyone's still still haven't transformed " Alex looks at me " they need to get a life " killer and Alex walk into the school, the halls go silent when she enters. " that's not the only reason their scared of are the bad girl of the school " yep that's one way people will leave me alone, man..." yeah hey did you do the math homework we got over the break " she goes to her locker and unlocks it " you didn't do it?..really killer it was one page we had to do " " hey I been busy " puts her bag in the locker and locks it " you call laying in bed listening to music busy?" Is that all I did?... Man I'm hungry maybe I can get something to eat " maybe look if you're going to scold me at least let me get some food, I skipped dinner last night " " Oh yeah that's right he came " Alex rolls his eyes when he mentions ' Ben ', he hands me one of those health bars. Better than nothing I take it and eat it without hesitation, wow it actually tastes good what a surprise Alex looks at me. " What? " why is he looking at like that?... " can you talk to...." Is he really going to ask me if I can talk to her.. I raise my eyebrow " you know your wolf " are you going to tell him? There's cheering up the hallway, I rolled my eyes knowing who would be coming down the halls. Non other than Ben " he thinks he's all that because he's soon-to-be alpha " Alex says while waving his hands in the air dramatically as Ben walks down the hallway " he's going to hear you, remember you don't need to be having problems with the future alpha of the pack " I look at Alex and I heard him mumble something under his breath. The bell rings and everyone starts heading towards their homerooms including Alex and me. In homeroom. I was copying off of Alex's homework since I forgot to do mine, while I was doing that someone came in but I didn't look up until the teacher spoke. "Attention everyone....It seems that we have a new student..Ms. Anderson please introduce yourself " a new student?..." My name is Brook and I just moved back here.... " I looked up to find myself staring at brook while she introduces herself to the class, she looks familiar..Alex smirks at me and snaps me out of my trance " what? " he just shakes his head while he smiles. Before I go back to the homework I steal one last look at brook, as she sits down in the desk next to Ben. I finally finished the homework and the bell rings. First's going to be a long day. Luckily I have Alex for most of my periods. It's the end of 5th period and it's time for lunch. Oh thank goodness it's finally lunch time I'm starving, I wonder what we're having. I meet up with Alex and start heading towards the cafeteria. " I heard that that they're serving hamburgers today " Alex says as he rubs his stomach " awesome I'm starving " my stomach growls. Alex and I laugh " I can tell " we walk into the cafeteria and it goes silent damn..." Come on let's go get our food, I'm hungry " the silence didn't last long as we make our way to the lunch line.

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