The Encounter

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Brook P.O.V
Oh my god finally it's lunch time, I exit my class room and started heading towards the cafeteria. My first day of school was nice I made a friend in homeroom, his name is Ben, he seems really nice. I heard footsteps running towards me " hey Brook what up " I stopped and turned around to find Ben running to me " hey Ben " Ben reaches my side and we start walking. " you're heading towards the cafeteria right? " I look at him with a smile " yep I'm starving I didn't eat dinner last night, or breakfast this morning " he looks at me and asked " why is that? " I shrug not want to tell him why. " hey why don't you sit with me and some of my friends, so you can get to know people " I smile and gladly accepting the offer. We walk into the cafeteria and head towards the lunch line to grab our food, oh yeah... Hamburgers, this day is getting better and better..after that Ben leads me to his table where his friends were at. He introduces me, at the table there were two other guys. Justin has brown hair and eyes he's very smooth with the ladies, Joey has black hair with blue eyes he's like the player of the group. Than you had three other girls, Chloe has blonde hair with hazel eyes, Samantha or Sam for short she has brown hair with green eyes and her little sister Madison has dark brown hair with light brown eyes. We all exchange hi's and hello's and we start talking getting to know each other. " I heard you use to live here but moved away and came back here why is that? " Justin asked " family problems " I told him he nods, after that we were all talking little things and teachers and homework. But that's when everyone went silent, I looked around to find everyone stop talking and was looking at something. I followed their gazes so I knew what the were looking at, everyone was staring at two people who walked into the cafeteria. They were staring more at the girl then the guy, they walked to the lunch line and that's when everyone resumed in their conversations. What the hell was all that about?.. I turn back to the others to find them looking down at their food except Ben he looked a little upset, I took the opportunity to ask " why was everyone staring at them? " Madison spoke " the girl you saw is Killer and the guy next to her is Alex ..." " but why was everyone staring at them? " " Killer is the bad girl of the school " " so what Alex is her bad boyfriend? " they all laughed what did say? " no no Alex is her best friend and he isn't bad at all, Killer is the bad one " joeys says the last part with a little disgust , I heard Ben whisper to himself " she's just a runt " knowing I wasn't suppose to hear that I pretended I didn't hear it. I wonder what's his problem with her?.. Everyone at the table went silent, why they?.. I looked to my to see that Killer and Alex where passing by the table and that's when Madison spoke " hey Killer, hey Alex " the others did not like what she just did from the looks on their faces uh oh... Sam smacked Madison's arm but madison didn't care, she looked at killer when she spoked. Alex was the one who spoke first " hey Madison how are you? " " I'm doing good thanks for asking " she looks at killer, she smiles " hey mad how have you been " mad? She blushes at the nickname " I've been good what about you " she smirks and laughs a little " that's good to hear as for me I'm just living day by day " Ben and Killer looked at each other, killer keeps the smirk plastered on her face as she stares at Ben while saying " see you later " before Killer moves away she catches my gaze, she smiles and can feel my cheeks burning up as I looked away. I heard her chuckle " Brook " she says as she moves away heading towards a table not to far from ours. Justin laughs at the awkward silence, all I can do was eat by hamburger. damn...that smile.. As lunch goes on I got to know more about everyone, and a little about killer only that I should stay away from her and what not. the bell rang and we all go our separate ways to class after saying our byes. Once I entered the classroom I was assigned a partner, for the whole period all we did was read and before I knew it the bell rang and I'm off to my last period of the day than I can go home. I go to my last period Last YES!!finally almost done with the day I was putting my stuff away, when the bell rang shit.. Now I was late to my class. Ran to my class and walked in, " you're late " the teacher announced " sorry " I go to an empty seat that happens to be next to killer, she's in like almost all of my classes weird. " like I was saying for this whole week you'll be doing a project on the chapter we read, so whoever I partner you up with is going to be your partners for the rest of the school year " she starts pairing everyone up " and finally Ms. Anderson and Ms. K " wait Ms. K?.. I looked around then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked to the person who tapped me. " I guess we're partners " she smirks Killer's my partner?.. " oh sorry.."

Hope you in joyed it please

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