Do You?

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Madison's P.O.V
I don't know what just happened, they were closing in...they attacked them...i didn't know what to do; it took me while to realize what just happened but it was to late...i wasn't quick enough as blood splattered all over me sticking into my fur covering my face i glanced over to killer staring up into her eyes...they were different and before i could figure it out everything went black and the last thing i saw was killers eyes....

Brooks P.O.V
Brook waited an hour after killer left waiting for her Mother to come and pick her up, Which seems she wasn't sighing Brook gets up from where she was sitting on the steps of the school and makes her way down the street walking to a store not to far from her house. Chills ran down her back making her shiver as she walked into the store meeting yellowish honey eyes with her light drown ones. His eyes bore into hers with a sly smirk plastered across his pink lips, hair rising chills wonder down her arms as her palms become sweaty. Licking his dry lips as he lets his eyes wonder down her body carefully observing her features. He looked at her as if an animal staring down it's prey with hunger in it's eyes ready to attack. Feeling uneasy brook backed out of the store and began walking home with her head down afraid to look back, soon her hurried walk became a jog and then into a run when she realized the man from inside the store was right behind her. An animal casually stalks it's prey looking for it's weak points, watching and waiting behind a brush hidden away so it wouldn't scare off it's dinner. Brook scared half to death hearing her heart beat in her ears as her breath became uneasy, why...why is he following me?! Oh god i can't what does he want!? Le-let me just get home and lock myself where i know I'm going to be safe. She runs around the corner and stops instantly. Packs, animals that are in packs will always hunt together, it's easier to catch their prey. they would usually set up a trap surrounding their meal cornering it so it wouldn't have anywhere to run. A man with almost the same color eyes as the other one that was following brook stand only a few feet away from where she was. She instantly realized what was going on and what was was a Trap they knew i was going to run and the lead me right here...she looked around for an escape but there was no luck she was traped and had no where to run...

Or so that's what she thought
Right when the two strange men started to make there way towards her she heard an familiar voice yell out her name.
"Brook!" Alex comes running up to her and the two men stopped looked at each other then at Alex and slowly parted their ways, seeing this brook sighed in relief and walked up to Alex hugging him. "Oh thank god you showed up i thought i was a goner..." she says resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked setting his hands on her back and gently pats it, "two very strange men seemed to be following me and i know they were...I'm so glad you showed up when you did" she lets go of him and looks at him "I'm glad i did too...if you want i could walk you know so you could feel safe" he offers "no no i don't wanna bother you-" he cuts her off "you're not, i'd be glad to do it no trouble at all" she smiles and they begin to walk to her house, Alex drops her off then leaves to the pack house. Once brook was inside she locked the door and went upstairs to her room. Very quietly she closes her bed room door, making sure she didn't make any noise. She lays on her bed a sighs in relief relaxing into the mattress, closing her eyes and takes a moment to think.
That was just...maybe i should have taken Killers offer. Why did they leave once they saw Alex? Ugh why am i even thinking about this, I'm safe now and nothing happen so I'm just going to forget it even happened. she drifts off the sleep after arguing with herself. Hours later Brook wakes up suddenly, with one hand over her chest as she breathed heavily. Brook would normally have nightmares about creatures chasing after her, they would growl and claw at her feet then pin her down. Staring down at her with glowing eyes....the same color eyes as the men that were chasing her. Shaking her head she lays back down and stares at the ceiling for the rest of the night.
Alex P.O.V
"I can see their eyes...they're all around us...."
I backed up looking around, eyes surrounded us as they came closer. We all heard the Alpha speaking to us saying "be ready to attack, we fight to kill so don't hesitate or you will die" my eyes widen, this wasn't even suppose to happen we were all just clearing the grounds. Most of us weren't even trained to fight yet....this isn't going to end well. The fight began the pack against the rogues, it went bad quickly most of the pack wolves were pups that haven't been trained to fight yet...and some how the rogues knew the were picking off the weak. We were killing off some of the rogues and others run away in fear. Most of the pups were injured but not to badly. The fight was coming to an end as blood covered our fur. I lay on the ground not wanting to move due to a sharp pain in my leg. One wolf came up to me and gently nudged my side with his. I looked up at him as he nudges me again, i slowly get up keeping my injured leg up off the ground. The other wolf stand right next to me, keeping me balanced as we walked to the pack house.
"Killer? there?...killer?.." I didn't get a response and i was starting to get worried killer hasn't changed and it's awhile since she lost fought. We all get back to the pack house and was instantly greeted by the healers. Who ever was badly injured was looked at first before the rest. Healers don't instantly heal others it doesn't work like that. Healers help speed up the healing process and help take away the pain. I never really liked that..someone taking your pain away but having to deal with it themselves, probably because my mother is a healer and I hate the thought of her in pain.
Slowly I lay down on the ground with the help other wolf that helped me along the way. One of the healers that also happens to be my mother ran over to me. concern written all over her face she kneels down besides me and rests her hand on my head gently, I did what I always did and that was to nudge into her to reassure her I was fine. She looked over to my leg and gently moved it making me yelp in pain.
"Well you've managed to break it son" she says and starts taking away the pain but I pulled away with a disapproving whine. "Just let me do this Alex please you broke your leg" again I made a disapproving whine, knowing that I wasn't going to let her heal me she sighed and nodded "fine..guess this is one away you found to be excused form gym" she shakes her head when I began to wag my tail happily at what go said. "Oh what am I'm going to do with you" patting my head and begins to walk to any others that needed her healing. We all were brought to our rooms to rest, I really wanted to go look for killer but I was too weak and tired to get out of bed. I fell instantly asleep and wasn't waking up anytime soon. Morning came and who ever was well enough went to school whole the rest stayed home. The door to my room opened, as my mother came in holding a try full of food. "Meaty and juicy just how you like it" she says as she sets it on my lap, I chuckled "you didn't have to do this I could have gotten it myself" she laughed "please, you couldn't do this before you even had that cast in your leg. Did you really think I would believe that you could get it with that on your leg ?" She rests her hand on her hips smiling down at me "heh..a son could only hope right" I say before stuffing my face with food. After my mother left and I was done eating I got up and left my room. I limped down the hallway going towards killers room. "Killer? Damn it killer would you answer me already" I knocked on her door but there was no answer, so I opened the door and found no one.
"Where the hell is she"

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