Time For Dinner

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Killers P.O.V
She walks down the stairs chuckling as Madison hurries to catch up. "You didn't answer my question!" she whines getting to killers side "What? Is someone jealous?" she smirks as she glances over to Madison while she scoffs rolling her eyes crossing her arms, they reach the bottom of the stairs and walk into the dinner area going towards the loud chatter where everyone was at. Killer takes a deep breath as everyone goes quiet ugh you'd think i would get use to this Madison just smiles it off grabbing killer by the arm and brings them to a sit so they both would be sitting next to each other. "This was a bad idea" killer complains as everyone begins to sit in their seats "Oh come on it's not that bad nobody's paying any attention to us...you, so stop your complaining and just enjoy this dinner please it would be nice to have you here for once and not locked up in that room of yours like a prisoner" killer was about to speak when a man and woman walk into the room, everyone bows there head including killer and Madison to them as they smile. Seems the Alpha has joined the party the man speaks "Good evening everyone i hope everyone had a pleasant day today" most of us nodded like Madison but others just listened "i also hope all of you can join my son's hunt after dinner, it would be good in helping you young pups what you should do when you're out and about in the forest. Enough talking and lets eat!" he sits down as well as his wife next to him while the cooks come and set down all the food on the table. Killers stomach growls upon smelling the food which makes Madison laugh "guessing you're hungry" she grabs her plate and starts filling her plate up as killer does the same or more like piling the food on to her plate. I'm starving! Wait where's that numbskull? She looks around for Alex noticing he wasn't there yet and also noticing Ben and his little followers aren't there as well. "Hey..Madison where's your little group?" she looks over to Madison who is stuffing her face with the food making killer laugh "and i thought i was hungry" Madison slightly blushes as she swallows her food "yes I'm hungry i haven't eaten all day the school lunch was horrible, and the others are at the school or doing something that I'm not involved in..but what ever probably making trouble" she begins to eat again. " Mhm...most likely.." Madison nods and killer begins to eat her food, as Ben and his followers come in and sits down in their sits not before looking over to Madison and Killer which makes Sam glare towards her sister. Ben leans over to Samantha whispering "why is your sister over there with "her"?" Sam shrugs "i don't know why that brat is over there or what she's doing" she whispers back which wasn't whispering at all when killer was listening on them and slightly growls to her self when hearing Sam calling Madison a brat. Alex walks in looking around and walks over to killer,smiling as he sits down in the empty chair next to her. "Well I'll be damned you've finally came out of that dark cave of yours and joined the rest" he says as he grabs his food then glances over to killer then to Madison who speaks up. "I had to beg her to get her down here" Alex laughs "hey that's not fair! i always beg her to come but she never does, just through me out of cave telling me to never come back" he whines and looks at killer "hey! She's just a better beggar" killer shrugs while Madison laughs and Alex pouts and mumbles out "no fair" as they continue to eat their food. Ben stood up and cleared his throat getting the chattering to stop and give him their full attention. "Everyone should get ready now for the hunt we'll be leaving in just a few minutes so finish up and meet me outside" he grabs his plate and going to the kitchen putting it in the sink before going outside, soon just after a few minutes slowly everyone started to get up and head out where Ben was. Killer looks over to Madison "you gonna go? You're done with your food" Madison shrugs "i don't know...i don't wanna be alone especially with the others.." she stares at her empty plate "Alex is going..right Alex?" Killer looks over to Alex asking "um yeah i was, you know i can stay with you Madison it That's what you want" he says looking to Madison "yeah i would like that, i was hoping killer could come but she doesn't want to" Alex chuckles "yeah killer never goes to the hunts" killer buts in "you know I'm right here right" she says looking at both of them "plus you both know why i don't go to the hunts" killer stands up with her plate in hand and walks to the kitchen as the other two shortly follow behind doing the same
"...we can still do the mind link right?" Madison looks at killer "yeah if that's what you" she smiles softly at her "you guys should get going and meet with others, we'll talk later on the mind link" killer gently scoots Madison to backdoor then does the same thing with Alex pushing them out the door "killer" chills ran down her back and not the good ones as a man calls out her name, she turns around to face him "Alpha" she stares into his blue eyes as he stares back into her grey ones "I'm glad i caught you I've been meaning to talk to you and i also had a question" she only nods and stays silent "see...you have never went on these hunts we ever had since you came into the pack, and i know it's hard-" she cuts him off "you don't know anything, you've never been through the things i I've been through you didn't see what I've witnessed-...." she doesn't continue and instantly looks down to the floor, no one is suppose to talk to the alpha the way she did it was a sign of disrespect or a challenge. Looking down was a sign of submission which she does not like, any other wouldn't spoken out like that even if they wanted to you wouldn't be able to, killer knew this fact and always wonder why she could. She would usually shut up once she feels the power radiating from him which makes her wanna smirk and roll her eyes. "I was hoping you join Me and the...others maybe you can finally show us what you look like.." he move closer and killer tries to move away but was roughly grabbed and pinned against the wall as he leans in "one way or another your gonna have to show your self to me, you understand I'll make sure of it see your the only one that gives me problems.....i would like you to join us on the hunt" she holds in her growl ignoring the pain as it shoots up her forearm when grabbed and pinned. "No thank you sir, but i can't "show" you because i can't even if i tried so if you don't mind i would like to head back to room and get some rest for school tomorrow" she replies calmly. He lets go of her forearm which he had a deathly grip on "you may leave" he says as he goes outside to join the others as killer goes back to her room holding her arm, she locks the door and walks into the bathroom facing the mirror lifting up her sleeve to find deep nail wounds where he dug his nails into her. Sighing she grabs a rag and starts cleaning it as it starts to bleed "ugh why am i trying it takes forever for wounds from an alpha to heal....nothing i can do but wrap it up and wait" she grabs the first aid kit taking out gauze and wraps herself once she was done she puts it away and lays down in bed closing eyes rubbing her arm. She takes out her phone and puts in her earbuds going through her playlist looking for a song she could relax to, she stops her scrolling finding the song she was looking for and begins to play it on full blast as she covers her eyes with her arm. She slowly doses off as the song Zombie by The Cranberries plays on repeat "That's a nice song.." killer instantly wakes up looking around confused hearing Madison's voice before shaking her head remembering the whole mind link thing "i hope you know you scared the crap out of me" she slowly gets up and goes to the window on her left side lifting up the shades and window to look outside staring out into the deep forest "really? Ha i didn't know the big bad wolf could get scared" she says teasing the other "big bad wolf? Is that what people call me or is that just you you know what I'm not even gonna ask....so where are you?" she leans out the window looking out into the forest "well...Ben wanted us in groups...so Alex left and with other people and I'm here with...the others and was questioned and then lectured AND stuck here being all alone and ignored while i get to enjoy this beautiful lectured that I'm not even listening to....ugh why couldn't you be here this hunt is just getting depressing everyone is being jerks..." killer sighs walking to her door knowing she was going to regret what she was about to do "...hold on....I'm coming..." she walks out of her room going down the stairs and out the back door heading right into the forest "really!? Are you gonna come in wolf form?! Am i gonna see you for the first time??" killer laughs at the excitement she was hearing "No hun I'm not and you won't sorry but I'm coming in my "human" form" she knows they weren't that far and starts jogging through the forest soon hearing the pack up head "Aww i was so excited you got my hopes up but I'm glad your coming and thank you so much maybe they'll leave me alone now" killer smiles as she reaches the pack but accidentally steps on a branch making the all turn around instantly ready to attack making killer smirk raising her hands in the air "Down doggies i come in piece" she inches closer once she knew they wouldn't do anything, they all slowly go back into their groups as killer walks over to little wolf the was sitting wagging it's tail against the ground which made her smile. "Glad to see you too" she kneels gently ruffling Madison's fur making her make and annoyed sound nudging her hand "stop that my fur is gonna be all over the place" she laughs pulling away standing up "Alright, it seems the others have left you" she begins to walk and Madison follows "yeah they scents you coming and glared at me then left me-" Madison stops instantly looking around and also a few wolves ahead killer soon does the same hearing something around them "you hear that right?" Madison glances over to killer before looking back around "yeah i did...and so did those wolves ahead" soon after that we all heard the Alphas voice in the pack mind link "everyone just stay calm and stay close together do not stray, we're not alone here..." Madison moves closer to killer "is...is it the rogues...are they really here?" killer stays silent staring at something "just stay close...and don't move" the wolves ahead of them stopped moving looking around carefully. "Alex?...." killer tries to talk to Alex through the mind link "did you here what i hear?" Alex soon replies "yeah i think everyone is...there's more coming...killer...where are you?" killer lays her hand on Madison's back when she moves even closer bumping into the other "all the way at the back with Madison and only three wolves ahead...i can't see the others they're way ahead of us...i think we're surrounded..." killer tries to comfort Madison feeling her nervousness and how scared she was radiating from her "why do you say that?" killer looks once more around them "we can see their eyes...they're all around us...."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hoped you enjoyed it!

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