Just shut up!

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Madison's P.O.V
Slightly groans sitting up whiling rubbing her head. "Uggh...what in bloody hell did I do to my head"
Sounds of heels clicked against the hard wooden floor towards Madison as a soft feminine voice speaks out "hit your head against a rock, you had to get stitches to close the wound" the healer lifted Madison's chin up and shined a light into her eyes. "You hit your head pretty hard, you've been out for a day and a half" she let's go putting the little flash light away. "Oh...right..i remember now, it was during the fight when that other wolf attacked me.. i didn't see him coming. but.. i thought .." Madison's responds while rubbing her eyes "thought what Hun?" Madison places her hand on her side and looks up at the healer "I remember being clawed very deeply..I even thought I had a broken rib..." the healer only shakes her head and chuckles "you sure hit that head of yours pretty hard, you only had a head injury when you was brought in" Madison was silent for a moment before speaking "..who brought me here? Was it my sister?" The healer shakes her head "nope, your friend carried you here" Madison tilts her head "friend?" The healer makes her way to the door opening it before responding "Killer, Killer carried you here" she walks out the door closing it behind her, without saying anything else.
"Killer.." and rubs the back of her neck with a slight smile. She looks up instantly when hearing the door to her room opens. Seeing the familiar smirk she smiled more and tilted her head slightly. "Was someone worried about me?" Madison asked never talking her eyes off of Killer. The other only scoffed crossing her arms across her chest "pft. Me worried? Ha you're funny" Killer says but her eyes said otherwise. "Really?" Heh still acting tough like always. Killer walks over to Madison's side holding something behind her back as she faintly smiles down at the other. "How's your head? You took a pretty hard hit on the head" Madison chuckles "it hurts like hell at the moment, but I'll live. One question, what's that furry thing behind your back?" Madison was surprised when she Killer slightly embarrassed. "Heh...well..I uh went out while you were knocked out cold, aaand..got this for.." She pulls out the stuff teddy bear behind her back and holds it out to Madison. "You.." slowly taking the teddy bear and stares at it, the teddy bear was the same one that she wanted from the store weeks before. "Took me awhile to find him, but here he is" she..she remembered, not even my boyfriend remembered... Madison gets up on her knees and hugs Killer happily. "Thank you I love it" Killer smiles and hugs back "Heh I thought you would" once again the door opened and a teenage boy stood in the door way, he had dark drown hair with light brown eyes that glowed blue filling with anger when they landed on Killer. "Madi- What the fuck are you doing here!?" He growled out. Both the girls separated from their hug to turn and look at him. Madison went to speak but Killer spoke first. "I'm here to check on your girlfriend Justin" She stared into Justin's eyes which was still glowing.
"I don't care what your reason is, you need to stay the hell away from my girlfriend!" Madison gets off the bed and walks in-between them. "She was worried and wanted to see if I were okay Justin, there's nothing to be angry about" Killer kept her eyes on Justin "leave"he says in a demanding tone which made Killer narrow her eyes at him. Madison mind links to Killer. "It'll be better if you leave, please I don't want you fight with him. It'll only cause you trouble and I don't want that..please" Killer nods and walks past both without saying anything and leaves.
Justin smirks "yeah that's right you better leave you fucking mutt" Madison growled "why do you always have to start a fight with her, are you that fucking dumb! You always start trouble" Madison turns around grabbing the teddy bear and makes her way out the door but was grab roughly by the arm and was held tightly by the wrists. "Where the hell do you think you're going huh? You better stay away from that bitch do you hear me. I better not catch you with her again!" She struggled against his tight grip "or what Justin?" She gets out of his grip and pushes him and leaves the room before he can grab her again. "Stay the fuck away from that mutt! I mean it!" He yells out after her. Madison quickly leaves the pack house and deep into the woods, she transferred into her wolf form and carried the teddy bear in her mouth as she ran deeper into the woods until she got tired. She lays down next to a tree and rests her head on the teddy bear. Justin was never like that, he was a kind and gentle person. He was fun to be around of, well that's what it seem at first when we were just friends. He changed after a few months we that we dated, he was so controlling and demanding ..sometimes violent but it never went that far...she shakes her thoughts away not wanting to think about it anymore. Hours past and Madison was asleep on the ground floor of the woods, foot steps goes towards Madison and stops once they were right in front of her. Kneeling down to their knee and gently runs their hand through her fur from the top of her head to the back of her neck. Madison slowly opens her eyes waking up, when she finally opens her eyes she looks over to the person that had ran their hand through her fur. Killer smiled softly down at the sleepy wolf and slowly slides her hands underneath Madison's body picking her up with the teddy bear as well. "Come on, a bed is better then the hard flood of the woods" she says as she walks back to the pack house. Madison closes her eyes drifting off back to sleep. Killer reaches the pack house walking inside and up to her room silently making sure not to make any noises.
Killer's P.O.V
She opens her door walking inside and lays Madison on her bed and covers her with a blanket.
Killer locks the door before going to her couch and lays there while she stares at the ceiling. She closes her eyes and listens to the crickets outside, but then listens to Madison's slow heart beat. Killer stays up all night, the sun starts to rise as birds start to chirp. Madison turned back into her human form in the middle of the night. Killer gets up and leaves the room making sure the door was locked. She walks down stairs to the kitchen and makes some pancakes with bacon and some toast on the side with jam on it. Once she was finished she went back up to her room with the food. Everyone in the house was still asleep since it was too early for anyone to be awake..well for most. Killer unlocks the door walking inside the room setting the food on the table. Killer walks over to her closet and grabs a pair of shorts and a shirt. These should fit.. Madison wakes up right as Killer predicted she would. Madison rubs her eyes yawning, "slept well?" Killer asked as she walked over to Madison with the clothes in hand.
"Yeah...thanks for bringing me here..um how did you even find me?" Killer only chuckled and shrugged "not like it's hard, oh here.." she holds out the clothes and Madison tilts her head "what's that for?" Killer smirked and motioned with her eyes to look down. Madison raises her eyebrow questing Killer smirk, but looks down and her eyes widen as her cheeks turn rosy red. With a little gasp she instantly covered her naked body with the blanket. Killer snickered "never thought I would have you naked in my bed, i kinda like the way your clutching my sheets" Madison blushes deeply looking away "shut up you perv.." Killer lays the clothes on the bed and turns around "put those on they should fit" Madison puts on the clothes quickly "thanks.." Killer chuckles and walks over to the table sitting down, she looks over to Madison which was still blushing deeply. "I made something for us to eat, so get you butt over into a seat and eat cause I know you have to be hungry" Madison nodded sitting across from Killer and began to eat. "I didn't think you could cook" Madison stated with a chuckle. With that Killer only Shaked her head with a slight smile. They are in silence, for a moment stared at her food. Madison noticed and watched her intently, watching every little movement Killer was making. Killer's eyes were narrowed and focused. Killer's jaw kept clenching and unclenching. That..that piece of shit. I'm nothing like them, they don't know anything about me. Why am I even caring of what they said? I- "Killer? You okay?" By avoiding Madison's question Killer asked a question of her own "your wolf..are you able to 'talk' with her?" Killer looked up at Madison "uh, yeah I am" "have you 'talked' to her?" Madison takes a moment to think "only once or twice but that's it, Everyone else's is able to talk their wolves day and night but. I've only done it twice and never again.." Yeah everyone can, sometimes I could hear the others talking with theirs. "Killer, if you don't mind me asking and I know Alex asked but you never gave him an answer. but he didn't ask the right one" well that's Alex for you, heh that damn fool
" In order to be able to talk to your wolf, like how we are talking now you must first transform. so my question is, have you?" Killer looks down at her hands I could just avoid the question like I always do, it would better like that. No one needs to know. Killer looks up at Madison once more and replies with "you better get ready, while you was knocked out the Alpha wanted to have a meeting with the pack today about the incident in the woods. Sadly I must be there as well since I was there" Killer puts the plates on the tray and picks it up walking towards the door "you can keep the clothes but really you should get moving to the showers before the other hog the hot water" Madison stands up and looks at Killer and nods before walking out the room to hers to get fresh clothes and a towel. Killer makes her way down the stairs to the kitchen, but was unexpectedly pushed down the stairs. She dropped the tray as the plates shattered upon hitting the ground, before Killer hit the ground she pushed off the bottom step of the stairs flipping her body so she would land on her feet. She stood up and looked at the person standing at the top of the stairs, a smirk slowly showed it's self on the person's lips. "You have good reflexes for a mutt" they stated as thet made their way down the stairs with their hands behind their back. Killer stayed silent watching them. "Oh, look at the mess you've made" pointing out the shattered pieces on the ground. Killer narrows her eyes at the other, watching as they moved closer to her. Shoulder to shoulder they said one thing before walking off "see you at the meeting" and with that she watched them walk away before cleaning up the mess, then she made her way back to her room. She would wait there until it was time for the meeting, so for the meantime she listened to music while she laid on the couch staring at the ceiling thinking of the incident in the woods.
They knew we were going to be there, they planned on trying a sneak attack thinking it would work..damn, I just can't get their eyes out of my head. Good thing I was there though..who know what would have happen to Madison. They would have easily taken her and those other wolves down. They weren't...Normal wolves.. Ugh thinking makes my brain hurt Killer covers her eyes with her arm and just focus on the songs that were playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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