Oh Please Do

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Killers P.O.V
It was the last period of the day and you don't know how happy i was, knowing i would be getting out of this hell hole in the next five seconds. But really....it was kinda nice since i had someone other then Alex to keep me from losing my sanity. She slowly stands up knowing the bell will be ringing, but keeps her eyes on brook the whole time as she talks. The bell rings yessss time to get out of this hell hole! Brook stands up after packing her stuff up "um...what's today?" killer asked as they both head out of the class room. "Heh It's monday.." she glances over me slightly smiling "ughhh four more days until the weekend"
My ears twitches when i hear her chuckle as she shakes her head, which only brought a slight smile to my face. But of course this moment didn't last long when i heard Alex run down the hall calling out to me. "Killer!" the once crowded and noisy halls so became awfully silent upon hearing my name being yell out. i rolled my eyes mumbling with a slight growl under my breath "leave it up to Alex to- hey Alex" turns around facing him as brook looks around due the sudden silence but only shrugs it off and looks over to Alex. He turns to brook with a smile and introduces himself offering out his hand "uh heh hi I'm Alex i don't think we've met before" smooth... Brook gladly takes his hand shaking it "No we've have not I'm brook" i just watch the exchange in amusement as the halls clear out. "Glad you two met but um.." looks at her wrist tapping it as if there was a watch "but it's time to get out of this prison while we still can" sharply turns on heels and marches out of the school leaving the two behind. She got onto her motorcycle and looks over to the others as they walked over to Killer. "Alex you coming or are you gonna walk home" she turns on the motorcycle. "No i was going to tell you that i have to stay after to do some work, so I'll see you later" he turns to brook saying his goodbye and walks back to the school. "Hey, you need a ride? I can take you home if you'd like" looks at brook which brook shook her head declining the offer "No no you don't have to my mother is going to pick me..but thanks for the offer see you around"she turns around and begins to walk back "Are you sure? i wouldn't mind taking you home" watches her as she walks away "yes killer I'm sure now go on home, my mother should be coming any second now" she says shaking her head with a slight smile on her face. "Alright suit your self, see you later then" drives off leaving school campus and arrives at the pack house parking in the back getting off the bike. "I hope no one's home" mumbles under breath while entering the house walking up stairs to her but stops when she sees Madison sitting near her door. "Madison?...." slowly walks up to killer kneeling down seeing her eyes were red and puffy as if she was crying for hours, Madison sniffs wiping away a few tears before speaking "c-can i stay with you....f-for while" she slowly looks up at killer with teary eyes. Killer picks her up and walks into her room closing and locking the door before setting Madison down on the couch. "What happened? What's wrong.." she sits next to Madison as she shakes her head "sam and i got ...into a fight of how i was just a weak pup and be thankful i have her, saying i wouldn't have made it this far without her...she called me names and throw me out of the room..." killer growls standing up before walking to the door to exit Madison grabs her wrist pulling her back "please don't...i don't want another fight to happen and...you being thrown out" she keeps a grip on killers wrist showing no signs of letting go, killer could only nod and sit back down obeying Madison's wishes. Samantha needs to learn her place they both hear loud chatter down stairs and in the hall "I'm guessing the pack is back from the hunt...are you going to be joining us later tonight? Ben is taking everyone out to check the territory, the others say a pack if rogues have been around the area and they said they gonna show us what we do to rogues in our territory" Madison says as she looks over to killer with hope in her kind eyes, which were the only that seemed to bring a smile to her face when ever she was around the pup. Killer could only chuckle " No Maddie I'm not going out with the rest....we all know why..." she looks away from Madison "besides i don't need to know what to do with the rogues, because they wouldn't dare come into this territory heh unless they have a death wish. Besides no one is gonna miss me at this gathering like all the other ones" killer looks back at her with a slight smile. " oh please do come! I'm going to be alone with no one to talk to, please i don't wanna be with the others..." she begs placing her hands together raising them up to killer which only made her sigh. "You know i don't like you begging and what about the other kids ...your friends?" she asks staring down at her " i don't have any friends they think I'm weird and a creep for...talking to you..." she looks down laying her raised hands on her lap making killer sigh deeply as she kneels down setting her hands on the others knee "look Madison i can't go we both know it'll just cause problems and maybe a fight heh knowing me...but if you want we can do the mind link, while you're out and about so it'll just be us" Madison looks up smiling brightly nodding happily and tackling killer into a hug. Oh god i just played into her little tricks next thing i know she'll be asking me to join her at dinner "um hey killer?...do you mind if you could..." i spoke to soon "no no i am not going down there for dinner no way! No the answer is No and there's no way you could make me say yes" she lets go of Madison standing up crossing her arms standing her ground. "Oh come on it's just dinner with the family! What could go wrong and besides you can't just stay in her starving your self because of your stubbornness!" she says standing up looking up at killer since she was much shorter the the other crossing her arms. "Hey! Those people are not family they're vicious animals that let me live here as long i don't cause trouble and i can stay in my room all i want cause no one is gonna bother to come up here and ask for "me" to join their nice pack dinner plus I'm not starving myself I'm just not eating when you guys are!" killer huffs looking away which causes Madison to frown but slightly giggles causing killer to look back at her "it's cute when the big bad wolf starts huffing and puffing" she mumbles to her self looking down not meaning for killer to hear but makes her smile gently. "..W-well I'm asking!..." Madison suddenly says out loud "I'm asking you to join me at the pack dinner.." killer stares at her " look Mad-" she gets cut off
"please just this once, it would be nice to have you there I'm not asking a whole lot" gotta love her determination.. "Finee!...but if anything-" Madison cuts in
"Nothing will happen" killer sighs and walks to her door and opens it "better hope so, you know i had plans" Madison laughs "plans like what stay in here laying in bed listening to music?" like seriously is that all i do? "matter of fact i had a date for your information" says standing at the entrance of the door looking back at her "a date?! With who?!"
Madison asks which makes killer smirk and starts walking down the hall leaving a very flustered Madison in her room.

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