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Dear Wildcats,
We rocked it! I'm glad to say I hat.

I crumbled the paper up and threw it in the trash bin near my desk. I moved it from the window to here since I couldn't really move my arms.

Life's pretty good...

I grab end another paper.

Dear class of 2015 twenty-fifth teen,

Wow, officially time to leave this shirty school!

I groaned as I noticed that I spelled shitty wrong. This was my tenth paper, draft. I haven't even finished writing anything good.

How was I suppose to do this?!

"That blond headed boy is here again." Dad barged into my room.

"Tell him to leave." I bit my pencil.

"He's been here for five days in a row! You tell him to leave!" Dad slammed the door shut. The sound of my mums voice made me laugh, she was yelling at my father for loudly slamming the door shut.

I was on my wheelchair, so I rolled over to my still broken window. I looked out and sure enough Niall was at my door.


I caught his attention.

"Millie I needed to see you!" He yelled.

"You always say that! Just leave, I'm done with you!" I growled.

"Please, I miss you." He frowned.

"I saw you yesterday!" I screamed.

"Yeah, but I want to see you again!" He smiled.

"Bro? My you've been here for five days already! Let me have some space." I argued with him.

"I brought food." He said.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him, "Second thought, why don't you just come in? The door is unlocked.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on my door. The door opened revealing Niall with a big bag of food.

"What did you bring?" I eyed him.

"The usual..." He shrugged his shoulders. He shut the door and tip-toed over to me.

Suddenly my dad pushed the door opened and eyed the both of us, "The door."

He narrowed his eyes to Niall, "Stays open."

Niall's face went pale as he nodded his head violently. Dad kept his eye on Niall as he backed away from my room.

"Since when did he get scary?" Niall huffed as my dad was no longer in sight.

"He's not..." I muttered. Niall shrugged his shoulders and threw the bag full of deliciousness on my bed.

"Hm? What's this?" He picked up one of the crumbled papers on the floor. "You spelled shitty wrong."

I groaned, "I know."

"Niall," I parted my lips. "I need to ask you a question."

His face went pale, "Y-yes?"

"Damn it! Niall, why do you still act uncomfortable around me?" I stared at him. "Literally don't make things awkward."

"Millie, I confessed my feelings for you." He sighed. "Just look at it from my point of view."

I opened my mouth only to have Niall cut me off. "Never mind, you're confident."

"Okay? Well I'm stuck in this room until I'm done writing this stupid essay!" I wailed my arm around. "That's what I was gonna ask you? I need help describing how our school is."

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