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"Why does Zayn like you?"

His little sister eyed me with a pretty scary glare. Literally this whole entire time she has been asking me questions. Everyone else is eating including the man that is related to this girl.

"Because he does." I muttered. "How old are you?"

"Thirteen, why aren't you eating?" She glared at me.

I scoffed, "Well, when you have a thirteen year old looking at you..."

"So you can't handle me?" She snapped.

Chill kid.

"I'm gonna eat now." I muttered. I brought but the fork to my mouth and took a bite out of the food on it.

Is this real?

After that I took more bites, this was very delicious. Days like this I wish I had Niall's appetite, why haven't I came sooner?

"Millie would you like som--"


"Of this Beef Kabob?"

I looked at the beef, it was long and looked like a tongue.

Smells good though...

"Yes, please." I grabbed the plate from Trisha's hands and took about five of them.

"My mum says to never eat to much, or you'll gain." Zayn's little sister told me.

I glanced at her, "Oh..." With that I took the beef kabob and stuffed it into my mouth, the juices firing up my taste buds. I literally felt as if I was in some heaven paradise.

"You'll gain." She repeated.

I chewed with my mouth open, "Let me eat."

"So Millie, Zayn tells me you're going to Nodre Dame?" Trisha focuses on me.

I slowly swallowed my food, last time I talked about college there was a whole big argument leading to my almost death. "Mum." Zayn warned her.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers. "I've though about it, one-fourth of the time."

"So you don't want to go?" She put the spot on me and everyone was looking at me.

"Kinda, No." I was hesitant at first but, what is she gonna do? No offense but she can't really get angry with me if I choose not to go.

"Really? Zayn tells me you're a writer?" She still wants to talk.

"That's correct." I answered.

"That's really nice..." She looked at me. "Y'know, there are some colleges that work for you."

Oh brother.

I never thought about other colleges, I wasn't actually prepared. "Some near California?" I wondered.

She laughed, "New York."


"New--What?" I took another bite out of my beef kabob.

"New York? Where most writers become famous, they have the biggest writing schools." She spoke.

It actually caught my attention. Even though I could still feel Safaa, Zayn's sister, glaring at me. It was worth listening now, thank goodness everyone wasn't paying attention.

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