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"So your telling me you can't have any distraction this year?" Niall asked.

I nodded my head. "Well I mean boys are still on my mind but I can't have any other distraction"

We entered the classroom aka Ms.Snobby's classroom. She was organizing some papers.

"The she devil has a tutor for me" I said looking at her.

Niall laughed and put his arm around my shoulders guiding me towards the back of the class where our seats were.

I sat down putting my backpack on the table. "I'm confused" Niall began.

"She is giving you a tutor and you don't know who it is gonna be?" He asked.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' at the end.

Niall turned around and I took my papers out along with the homework. I'm pretty sure she is gonna be surprised I brought homework.

I don't know how she loses my homework?! I swear I always have it and then bam! It's gone like I never brought it.

What if all the teachers got back at me for not passing my test? I mean I suck at taking test. I swear if my theory is true I'm gonna sue everyone including my mum.

"Millie!" A voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Ms.Snobby in front of me.

What did she want now?

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you have the homework?" She asked. I nodded and handed her my piece of paper.

Her eyes scanned my paper as if she wanted to see if I had a mistake. It was really pissing me off to.

"Hmmm you have to re-do it and come after school I need to show you your tutor" She said with a glare before handing me my paper back.

"Class hasn't even begun and your already checking up on me" I muttered.

"Did you say something?" She asked turning around again.

"Nope" I quickly said before looking at my pencil.

She walked back to her desk and sat down doing stupid teacher work. "What you have tutoring?" The guy next to me asked.

"Yes" I replied simply.

"Why?" He asked.

This guy was nosey and I'm pretty sure his name is Zayn but I don't wanna be creepy so I'll just say Zach.

"Because Zach..." I began but stopped to hand him my homework.

He grabbed it and his eyes scanned my paper. Niall turned to look at me confused, I shook my head and he turned back to talk to some other guy.

"Wow you do need help" Zayn said with a smirk.

"Shut up Zach, enlighten me with you stupid comments about my work" I snapped. Hey! What he was was really offensive to me.

"First of all my name is Zayn, and you have terrible work habits" Zayn said, see ha ha ha I was right his name is Zayn!

"Why am I talking to some guy who might be doing worser than me in school?" I said with one eyebrow up.

Zayn chuckled before pulling out a paper with his grades on it. A report card.

He handed it to me but I didn't take it. My eyes scanned his paper noticing that he has straight A's and not one single B or below than that.

"Okay so what? why do you even care?" I asked but honestly I was really embarrassed.

"Ahhh see already jumping into conclusions, I don't care" Zayn started, "But as you see you need help and I'm your tutor"

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