Renesmee Carlie Cullen's Life Without Her Mother??

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Bella's P.o.v

It is Mine and Edward's Wedding Day...Of course, Alice having a 'traditional' wedding, Edward wasn't able to see Me the night before the wedding either. Jasper and Emmett took him on a hunting trip or as they call it their 'bachelor party' I sat their in my bedroom just thinking about the life ahead of us...will Edward turn me into a vampire? I winced at that thought...not because i didnt want to become one..its just wait about Charlie? and Renee and Phil? Will I ever see them again? I pushed those thoughts straight out of my mind. Just then, I heard the cellphone Edward bought me vibrate i answered and whispered "Hello?" And i heard a growl and '' voice was furious "Bella why you asleep?!? Do you want to fall asleep during your wedding? I don't think so! So i suggest you go to bed now or i'llgo down their and FORCE you to sleep" I laughed so hard and she growled again "Ok..ok i'll go to bed" was all i could say because i was still laughing and she hung up. I put the cellphone on my bedside table and laid down just about to doze off when i heard a knock at my window. I jumped up thinking it would be Edward and flew open the window. And out of all the people who would come to my window 'she' end up here? ...........

CliffHanger!!!!!!!(: Haha but once i get 5 votes at least i'll post the second chapter i have it all done and ready to upload it.....So comment and Vote!(: <33

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