Night Before Wedding Part 2

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Tanya's P.o.v

I was at my home in Alaska when i saw that their was a thick envelope. I was curious so i ripped it open and it was invitation the ivory colored letter read "Please come and see the matrimony of Mr.Edward Mason Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan" I growled and ripped the letter into shreds. I deserve Edward not that filthy little human, Bella. I'm gonna get Edward to admit that he loves me and not that human pest he thinks he loves so much...even if its the last thing i do. I was so angry i started running towards Washington....Lets pay little Bella a visit shall we??


I finally reached Forks and i found Bella's house i saw her room and her laying in her bed. I jumped on top of the big oak tree and on top of her roof. I tapped on her window and she came rushing and flew the window open. At first she was confused to see me and started stuttering "T-Tanya?? Wh-What are you doing here?" I tried to be polite and make sure she doesnt think anything is going on so i smiled and said "Oh, i justed wanted to see the bride-to-be of Edward Mason Cullen" I snapped that part out. I saw here think about if for a minute and asked "B-But dont you hate me?" I had to be nice. I smiled and tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair and laughed "Oh, of course not! I mean i use too but then i realized you and Edward are perfect for each other" I growled at that last part and i saw that she knew thats not the reason i was here. I had to keep changing plans unless i want Alice to see what im up to. Thats when she started to back away towards her cellphone and said "O-ok if you'll excuse me for one second" and she picked up the cellphone. There is no way in hell she is gonna get Edward to make me leave. I slap the phone right out of her hand and slapped her across the face ""W-what the..?".I got right in her face and snarled "Oh just shut it...You and I both know Edward is supposed to be with Me not you....I mean you aren't even pretty" she got right in my face and spat "Oh, Edward thinks im prettier than you" Oh and did that do it next thing i did was i threw her right out the window...damn, she landed on a bush and was unharmed. She ran to her truck, but i beat here there and i had her keys "Looking for something?" I smiled once i said that and i grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the truck and snarled "Listen here missy, i want you to call Edward right now and cancel the wedding....Or i can and will kill you" She looked around thinking someone would save her. not this time and she spit right in my face and said "screw you!" That pissed me off i growled and threw her straight into the big oak tree in her yard and next thing i knew Edward pinned me to the ground and started growling at me. I didnt know what to do. I saw alice and carlisle come and stitch up Bella. good Bella deserves to get thrown against a tree. Ohh shoot i forgot Edward can read minds. He growled at me more louder and got right in my face. He was furious with me. Once Bella got all stitched up he got off me and helped me up. I couldnt let this happen "Edward i have no clue what happened...I swear something just came over me....Im truly sorry..forgive me?" Edward thought about and smiled "Tanya...i know you are like family to us but you cant be throwing me wife out a window!....I forgive but if anything happens again I will make sure Bella and I never see you again". I didnt know what to say so i just nodded and then i hugged him. I only felt hi pat me on the back then push me off. He turned to Bella and his eyes melted..Uck! and he ran straight to her for pete's sake! "Bella love, are you alright?" She looked at him then me and whispered "Perfect" and she pulled Edward down and started kissing him. I was furious i swear i could have killed her! He chuckled underneath his breath and pulled away to scoop her up and jumped back into her room....she is gonna regret this i promise you that. And i ran towards the forest and ran as fast as i could.

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