Døubt - JD

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You weren't so sure about God.

You believed there was an end. For there to be an end there must have been a start and for there to be a start there must have been a cause. The identity of that cause is what you were not so sure about. But you thought it was a bit of a far stretch to assume it must be some all-powerful, intangible, omniscient being from above.

Smoking is a sin, by Christian terms, You though lazily as you let the burning gas spread down to your lungs. Leaning your head back, you puffed out your cigarette smoke in rings. Not a direct sin - but being addicted was letting the cigarettes 'control' you so it followed that: Smoking = Sin.

Or something like that - you had never been to church and your mind was a little hazy from the fag. You weren't sure if it was a boy approaching you or a giant strawberry lollipop. As it got closer, you came to the conclusion that is was, in fact, a boy. Albeit a very skinny one with with shocking red hair. He stood directly above you and you could tell his eyes were on you even though he had sunglasses on (which was fucking weird - it was January).

"Are you alright?" He asked. You rolled your eyes.

"Are you?" The boy bristled, obviously not expecting that. Your eyes slipped shut as you inhaled another puff of smoke and you felt him sit next to you - uninvited.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just on my way to church with my mates." You released your smoke into his face. He coughed.

"You and your mates hang out at church." Was your reply, deadpan and unimpressed. He laughed, not fazed by your judgement.

"I guess that sounds pretty lame right?"


"I'm Josh."

"Hi Josh." Right about now, you were really wishing that the cigarette in your hand was a blunt.

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" You dropped your cigarette on the ground next to your foot and watched it fizzle out before shrugging and moving to light another. The boy- Josh stole it out of your hands and pocketed it.

"Dude, what the fuck. Those aren't bloody cheap!" He ignored your anger choosing instead to cross his calves and balance his forearms on his knees. Turning to face you, he asked.

"Why are you sitting alone in a children's park at 9 O'Clock Sunday morning." You eyed him suspiciously, wondering if he would give you back your fag if you answered.

"It's my birthday. My brother's in Japan, mum's working, dad's too high off his head to even realise I fucking exist and look," You ranted with a slight laugh showing him your phone, "Not even a bloody text message." You were both silent for a minute.

"Happy Birthday." He murmured and you laughed louder.

"Thanks stranger." He stared at you for another moment. Probably judging, you thought. Taking in your dirt streaked hair and 'cheap' clothes (but really, Primark was a fucking Godsend), your gratuitous piercings and the deep bags under your eyes.

You kicked the rock next to your burnt out fag. When he shot to his feet you weren't surprised but you were once you hear the words that escaped his mouth.

"Come to church with me."

Another long silence.

"What the fuck dude no."

"C'mon, you can spend your birthday with people that care and you'll get cake. Free food! Are you really gonna pass that up? It's literally five minutes away."

"You don't even know my name."

"And you don't ever have to tell me, just smile." He finished with an outstretched hand. You couldn't have held back the smile if you tried. Free food did sound appealing.

"If I die, I swear down I will haunt your motherfucking ass off." You grumbled taking his hand and following him down the road. Happy that you found someone that cared enough to not only wish you a happy birthday but stick with you for more than five minutes.

You still weren't sure about God, but something made Josh come over and you were extremely thankful for that.

Another One!! I know no-one is reading this book LOL but im having fun writing it so imma carry on anyway. Peace out!

Liv :)xx

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