Cringe Wørthy - JD

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He wasn't doing anything. Why wasn't he doing anything? He was just staring. Staring down at the outstretched hand between you. Your outstretched hand.

Please shake it. Please please please shake it. Omg it had been out for a good 7 seconds now, you were literally going to die.

Isn't it, like, basic cute boy etiquette not to stick your hand out for a shake first thing like a complete numbnut. And, ugh, God, it was still there. You were 80% sure you were going to cry.

The corner of his lip rose into a sort of coy smirk and your heart sunk. He was going to laugh at you. He shot his friend a look and omfg he was so going to fucking laugh at you. Just as he opened his mouth to speak--

You shot up from the bed, heaving breaths as you tried to shake that memory out of your head. You never needed to relive that. Ever.

"What baby, what's up." You rolled over in bed gazing into his soft brown eyes, the eyes that didn't laugh at you on that day, and stroked a hand through his short purple hair.

"I was just reliving the day we met." You shuddered slightly and he laughed. He, and just about everyone the pair of you knew, knew just how embarrassed you were of that moment.

"You really still having flashbacks of over ten years ago. It wasn't even that embarrassing." He murmured, leaning up to wrap an arm around you.
"For me, it was."

"You know I love you right. A complete embarrassment or not." You flushed, wrapping your arm around his waist and pulling him tight.
"How could I forget."

A/N: I thought this was cute. Sorry if I'm wrong.

Liv xx

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