Sømebødy Catch My Breath - TJ

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This is dedicated to mrsmattchuespinosa who asked me to write a part two and gave me the whole idea for this fic. Thank you so much bb. Lol I told her a week at most but I'm a piece of shii and so it's it's a bit late. Eh oops.

Gøner part twø

Where was I?

I could hear the hum of an engine and the thrum of a motor. The sound of wheels scraping against hot tarmac screeched in my ears and slowly the world around me began to blink into focus. A blurred vision of green and grey and blue; trees, the road and sky.

I was in a car, a moving car and there was a satnav on. I could hear the automated voice directing the driver but I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to read our destination, it was like one of those nightmares.

Eventually my eyes opened fully and I turned my head to look out of the window, the view was unfamiliar. I almost hit my head at my own stupidity. Of course the view was unfamiliar, I was in an unfamiliar fucking continent.

Hazily, I tried to sit up in my seat only to hear a voice (an unfamiliar voice) say no. What the fuck was going on?

I felt his palm on my forehead for a brief moment before the strong scent of lavender hit me and the world around began to black out once more.

"You're a mess." Was the only thing Josh said upon walking into Tyler's room. He picked up a sock (that could have potentially been sprouting mould) with a nearby pencil and a horrified look on his face. "Like, for real bro."

"I'm aware, thank you." Ty replied from his cocoon of blankets in the corner of the room.

"And you're okay with that?" Josh continued, he was very worried about his best friend. Ever since Olivia's plane crash, Tyler hadn't left the house; he had barely even left his room!

"I'm not really okay with anything at the moment." He said quietly.
"Oh Ty." Josh started, walking over to where Tyler sat. "It's all gonna work out for the best. I mean, It's been almost two weeks, the chances that she's even still--" Josh voice trailed off and Tyler turned away as he took in what his best friend was implying. Josh thought she was dead.

"You'll move on," he continued, "You'll find anothe--"

"I will never meet anyone as good as her. Ever." Tyler interrupted, his voice steely. The thought of even considering moving on made him want to throw up. It was too soon. And some sordid, sadistic part of him still believed she was alive. He could just... feel it.

Josh heaved a sigh and fell into the space next to his friend. He wished he could relate to what Tyler was feeling but even with his wild imagination he could even fathom how much his best friend had to be hurting. After a moment Tyler turned, curling into Josh's side and closing his eyes.

Maybe if he tried hard enough he'd wake up from this nightmare.

"I hate to be the one to say this bro but we're all worried about you. You have responsibilities and jobs you need to get done for the good of yourself and your family. You-- You're wasting away, man."

Tyler didn't move. His hand fiddled with the helm of Josh's faded shirt as he let the concerns of his loved ones sink in.

"Maybe you're right, how could she be alive. Two weeks without food water or shelter. She's dead Josh." His hand curled into fists as fresh tears pricked at his eyes. "She's dead." He repeated, barely holding back a sob.

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