The Meeting

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Superman flies accross the globe just to spend some time until it is 8:00 PM. He looks at space.  The area where Krypton used to be. Close to Earth. When he knows that it is almost 8:00 PM he flies back into Earth.

-At Central Park-

Clark's P.O.V.

Nothing seems suspicious. Lois called me at 8:30 so this should be no problem. No wait Clark. Stop being dumb. It is. Those were the most dangerous criminals. That means whoever bailed them out must be the mastermind behind all of this.


8:00 PM

8:00 PM


Well its time to go in. The park closes and Superman sits on a bench. He uses his super hearing senses and he hears the sounds of Lex's footsteps.

"I can hear you!" screams Superman.

"Come out now" said Superman.

"If you are the one who called me then why are you hiding?" He said.

"Okay fine." said Lex. "I will stop playing Hide'n'Seek. But its time to reveal a new game. "Create or Eliminate" He said. 

"Do you know this?" asked Lex.

-Lex shows the key to rebuild Krypton-

"Where did you find it?" asked Superman.

"The Mothership of course - which came from Krypton" answered Lex.

"You must have researched it on google" said Superman.

"No I found the Super-key which reveals the whole history of Krypton" said Lex. "I know everything. How you get your strength, your agility, your power... your weakness!" He screamt.

"You do know about General Zod do you?" said Superman. "They way he failed to rebuild Krypton. You are about to repeat the same mistake. After all you are only human. I can destroy you within a second." He said.

"But you forgot what I said. I know your weakness. You and your sweet lady Lois are having a talk today right? At the Gormet's Restauraunt at 8:30. I'm afraid that isn't going to happen." said Lex. 

"What did you do to her?" asked Superman angrily.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Superman was full of rage.

"Oh nothing I just kidnapped her and put her in my secret base -" said Lex.

-Superman interrupted him & caught his neck and took him into the air & starting flying out of Earth-

"You won't be able to breathe!" screamt Superman!

-But another weakness of Superman was that he could not kill humans. His mission was to be a hero of theirs. Lex started to suffocate-

Superman took Lex down back into Earth's atmosphere.

"I was about to tell you the same!" said Lex.

"What do you mean?" asked Superman.

"You won't be able to breathe!" answered Lex. "In my base." He said. "I build it with the power of the key." He said.

"What do you mean I won't be able to breathe?!" shouted Superman.

"You never watched the holographic video?" asked Lex.

-Lex made Superman fly towards the snowy hills and into the Mothership. Lex inserted the krypton key-

"You will not be able to breathe Krypton's atmosphere. You spent 35 years adapting to Earth's ecology. You will be weak. I wish you good luck" said Jor El.

-Superman was shocked-

"I will stop you..." said Superman.

"I will stop you..." he repeated but this time a bit louder.

"I WILL STOP YOU!!!" he screamt as he flew out of the snowy hills back into Metropolis City.

He was worried about two things.

1: He wouldn't be able to fight Lex properly.

2: Lois Lane.

Man Of Steel - Book 1 of the TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now