Chapter 2 - Romeo

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Cortney's P.O.V

"Paul, this is Cortney. She doesn't talk. Cortney, this awesome guy is my boyfriend Paul." Brenna said, as she jumped on the back of a random guy, in the corridor. I'm glad he was her boyfriend, 'cause if he wasn't this would be very weird. Just jumping up the the backs of random guys... Could you imagine?!
"Hello." Paul smiled. "I take it you are in my class, right?" He asked me, holding Brenna's legs, so she wouldn't fall.
I nodded and he smiled. I followed him to our class and Brenna jumped off his back. "See ya." She smiled, kissing Paul's cheek and waving at me.
I waved back and Paul took me to the back of the classroom.
"The back is the usual area for us lot. The teacher wont bother you in this class. He'll see you and note down, that you attended lesson. That is the magic of history." Paul smiled, sitting at the middle table in the back.
Paul was tall, with black hair, and again, black make up around his eyes.
I smiled back at him and nodded, taking a seat next to him.

This school didn't have a uniform, which was new to me, as my old school did. Everyone wore their own clothes, which I think made it easier. You could read and understand people better based of the clothes they wore.
Skipping over that lesson, as it was literally just history of America, and the teacher catching me up to date with the class, Paul showed me to my second lesson.
Brenna, Paul and Joey had become new friends to me. They were each understanding of my silence and neither of them had asked about it. I was so thankful!
Second lesson was English. Boring! Boring as hell... Boring! . . . Let's give it a chance, though... Something could happen that could change the direction my life was heading.

"Hey, Clown." Paul smiled, walking up to his friend, who stood at a classroom door.
"Hey, #2." This 'Clown' smiled, not looking scary at all. He was taller than Paul, with red hair.
"This is Cortney, she's new, but she doesn't talk. Stick with her for the rest of the day." Paul smiled, handing Clown my schedule.
Clown smiled and nodded, glancing over my schedule. "Sure. See you later, Paul." Clown smiled at Paul.
I waved at Paul as we split ways.
"I'm Shawn, but they all call me 'Clown'. You'll get why sooner or later." He smiled at me. I nodded and walked into class after him.
We sat in the back, but the tables sat three people.
I sat on the end and Clown sat on the other end. "I'm not being rude, but Corey likes his seat." Clown explained, placing his bag under the table, next to the wall.
I nodded and wondered where this 'Corey' guy was. He was going to be late.
Ten minutes into lesson, a guy ran in. That moment would be the moment that would change my life forever...

I looked up from the book, the class was reading, and saw him. His sparkling blue eyes and bright guilty smile. His hair, long and golden. He was an angel. A pure angel!
"That is Corey Taylor." Clown whispered, leaning over to me.
I nodded, not being able to look away from this guy. I didn't even know a guy like this could exist... No offence to Roger Taylor of Queen.
"Taylor, where were you?" Miss Wilson asked, with a hint of anger in her voice.
Clown warned me not to test her. 'Bad things come your way...' Detention.
"Uh... I only woke up half an hour ago." Corey replied, walking backwards to his seat, so he was looking at the teacher.
Miss Wilson shook her head, but left it there.
Corey turned around and jumped when he saw me, taking the seat in between me and Clown.
"Hello." He whispered to me.
I smiled and turned my attention back to the book. I heard Clown whispering to Corey...
"You lazy git." He joked.
Corey smiled, snickering a little, and got his book out of his bag. "Who's the newbie?" He whispered, looking at me, but leaning into Clown.
"Cortney Sixx. She's with us for the rest of the day. She hates talking, but she is easy to read." Clown replied, reading the book.
Corey nodded. "Fair enough." He smirked, glancing at me.
"Mr Taylor, if you would like to speak, then please read the rest of this chapter to the class." Miss Wilson called him out, when she noticed Corey talking, not paying any attention.
Corey sighed and nodded to her, flipping through the pages of his book.
I gave him my copy of the book, since his wasn't even open and pointed at where we were. 

He smiled, as thanks, and read Romeo and Juliet to the class.
Summary: In Friar Lawrence's cell, Romeo is overcome with grief, and wonders what sentence the Prince has decreed. Friar Lawrence tells him he is lucky: the Prince has only banished him. Romeo claims that banishment is a penalty far worse than death, since he will have to live, but without Juliet. The friar tries to counsel Romeo but the youth is so unhappy that he will have none of it. Romeo falls to the floor. The Nurse arrives, and Romeo desperately asks her for news of Juliet. He assumes that Juliet now thinks of him as a murderer and threatens to stab himself. Friar Lawrence stops him and scolds him for being unmanly. He explains that Romeo has much to be grateful for: he and Juliet are both alive, and after matters have calmed down, Prince Escalus might change his mind. The friar sets forth a plan: Romeo will visit Juliet that night, but make sure to leave her chamber, and Verona, before the morning. He will then reside in Mantua until news of their marriage can be spread. The Nurse hands Romeo the ring from Juliet, and this physical symbol of their love revives his spirits. The Nurse departs, and Romeo bids Friar Lawrence farewell. He must prepare to visit Juliet and then flee to Mantua
At the end of the chapter Corey gave me the book back and smiled. "Thanks." He whispered.
I smiled and the bell rang, signalling breaktime... I wouldn't know this until years later that at any mention of Romeo and Juliet, Corey's thoughts would always drift to me.

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