Chapter 11-Whips and Furs

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My mind raced as I walked down Main Street. It was imperative for me and my sanity to leave the house while my mothers support group met to discuss every sad and depressing thing that occurred in their lifetime. It was great that she was finally getting the help she needed and taking therapy seriously, but did everyone in attendance have to laugh and cry hysterically?

Three days had passed since I went sailing with Leo and I, for the life of me, could not get that day out of my head. It was exciting and different and even fun, but after we docked, I immediately hopped off Freedom and we awkwardly parted ways.

Everything between us felt different out on the water. Our guards were down, which meant we expressed our emotions and truths that we would never do under normal circumstances and I realized after I left, that Leo and I were similar in many more ways than I had thought. Not only did we lose our fathers, we both hid any real feelings from the world, albeit in different ways. I dealt with death by retreating in to myself, shutting down and keeping quiet, while he lived life moment to moment without thinking of any of the consequences. Was there a wrong or right way to deal with tragedy? Who knew? The only thing I knew was the lack of sleep I got the last three days from contemplating this question night after night was taking it's toll.

"Watch it princess."

I stopped mid step at the familiar nickname. When I looked up from the ground, I was only inches away from the scowling, yet still handsome, face of Jesse Hayden. "Try looking forward when you walk. You almost ran me over."

"I'm sorry. I'm a bit distracted." I side stepped to my right to give him room to pass by but he stepped right along with me.

"Not a problem. I was actually looking for you."

"You were?" I raised my eyebrow skeptically.

He nodded. "Are you busy?"

"Not really. I needed to get out of the house so I went for a quick walk."

"I see, how about a quick ride instead?"

"Excuse me?"

"Our bet. I seem to remember a certain someone, namely me, kicking your ass at pool... Or did you forget?"

"Oh right. That." I blushed at my embarrassment for thinking a "ride" meant something a little less innocent. I prayed that he didn't catch it. "You want to collect now?

"I don't have anything better to do. Max is working, Leo is surfing, and Danny is probably shooting up in some alley or something."

I hoped he was kidding about that last part but his face gave nothing away. "So what you're saying is that I'm you're last resort. How thoughtful."

"Don't act like you're offended. You are just as bored as I am. So, are you in or out?"

"A bets a bet... I guess."

"That's the spirit. Follow me, "The Magnet" is across the street."

I followed Jesse across the way to a nearby parking meter where the beautiful Cadillac was parked. It was as gorgeous as I remembered with the shiny black paint and leather interior.

"You named the car "The Magnet?" I couldn't quite figure out why he thought that name would fit such a beautiful vehicle.

"It's actually short for something else... But I'll spare your innocent ears."

Jesses opened the passenger side door for me as I tried to piece together his last statement. When it finally dawned on me, I smacked him on the arm.

"What was that for?"

"That was for women everywhere. The... Magnet?"

Jesse laughed which was music to my ears. I knew from meeting him that not much made him smile, let alone laugh. It made me feel slightly smug.

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