Chapter 5- You Can't Always Get What You Want

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"Layla." A little voice called to me in my dreams. "Aya, wake up." I opened my eyes slowly and let them adjust to the light. When they came in to focus, I was face to face with my sister.

"Desi? What are you doing here?"

"I'm late for school."

"What do you mean you're late for school?" I asked, my brain not functioning correctly.

"Mom is still asleep and she wont wake up."

I jolted upright and cursed silently.

"Five minutes!" I yelled.

Desi nodded. "I'll get your purse!"

I scrambled to put on some jeans and a t-shirt as Desi raced downstairs. Unfortunately, this occurred often in the St. James household and Desi and I had this rushed routine down. She was ready by the door as I came downstairs, keys and purse in hand, and we left in a hurry.

The kids were already inside by the time we reached her school, which in actuality, was more like a day care. This place was a god send when no one was home during the day to watch Desi while I was either at school or work and my mother was too sick to look after her. This was Desi's second summer here and she loved it.

I helped Desi with her back pack and walked her to the counselors desk.

"Ms. St James. So nice of you to join us."

"Sorry we're late Mrs. Hawkins. There was a major accident on the street."

"Uh huh." She didn't believe a single word. "Desiree, why don't you join the other children? I'm going to speak to your sister for a moment." She shot me a concerned look but I signaled that it was ok to join her friends.

"Desiree has been late every day this week and 3 days last week." Mrs. Hawkins stated, unamused.

"I know. My mother was supposed to drop her off today. She overslept."

"I've been very understanding Layla, but this is unacceptable. We all love Desiree here but her tardiness has continued since the regular school year and you assured me that this summer would be different. I know a bit about your circumstances at home but Desiree can't learn that this kind of behavior is ok. It's a waste of everyones time."

"I know that Mrs. Hawkins. I'll see to it myself that I'm the one who drops her off from now on."

"Fine, but I would like to speak to your mother."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"She needs to know whats going on. She's the mother Layla, not you."

My face dropped in shame. Mrs. Hawkins voice softened as she patted my arm. "You're an amazing big sister but even this is too much for you. You cant do everything by yourself."

"It's what I've been doing for years."

Mrs. Hawkins sighed. "Please arrange a meeting with your mom for this afternoon and please make sure Desiree is here on time."

"I will. Thanks."

"Take care, Layla."

My mother was was in the living room watching some trashy talk show when I arrived at home.

"Layla, you're just in time! They're about to reveal who the father is-"

I snatched the remote from her hand and shut off the television.

"Hey!" she yelled.

"What is your problem? Why cant you manage to do one right thing for your daughter?"

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