chapter 7

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Rose POV

"3 minutes per mile. Not as bad as I thought." Dimitri said coldly with a hint off surprise. I looked up at him meeting his gaze. His squinted his eyes at me as this was the first time he really saw my golden eyes. I quickly averted my gaze to the ground. I felt dizzy but didn't want to show it. I wanted to be strong and make him believe I wasn't weak. "I don't know why there gold and not red." I softly whispered.

"Dimka?" A female voice shouted through the back yard her tone was high and the hairs on my neck stood up at the annoying sound.

Next too Viktoria was a woman with 'raven-black' hair. She has a heart shaped face with large, pale red eyes. She had very pale skin. Her lips are a pale pink colour. Overall I would say she has a very attractive appearance.

She came running towards Dimitri with open arms. I heard Dimitri groaned at the site off her. She launched herself into Dimitri's arms. "I've missed you so much Dimitri." She smiled at him and her eyes red eyes seemed to light up at the sight and touch off Dimitri. She called him 'Dimitri'. Nobody does that.

"I missed you too Tasha." He said but it sounded forced. There was a dark edge too his voice. I wasn't the only one not enjoying the presence of this woman. She smiled a broad smile showing of her pearly white teeth including full grown fangs. She rose on her toes and kissed his cheek, leaving a faint pink lipstick stain. I gagged internally and couldn't help but role my eyes.

"You should have visited." She said smiling slyly and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

Jealousy seeped through me. How dare she kiss him? How dare she call him Dimitri? How dare she even touch him? He doesn't belong to her. She isn't right for him. Then again neither am I.
I scalded myself. Stop it Rose you have no right. 'Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires' - William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

She reminded me of Mia. The meanest rudest popular girl of school. If you cross her you will find some nasty rumours to follow.

Her gaze shifted to me and her smile turned into a smirk that made it clear I wasn't welcome. She was sending me a 'he is mine' smile.

"Who are you little girl." She grinned at me. Then her eyes lit up as if she discovered fire. "You're that new vamp everyone is talking about. Well my dear vampires have res eyes not gold. So therefore you aren't one." She sneered.

"I am no little girl." I hissed. I wanted to say more but Dimitri spoke.

"She's different. Different is good." He said stoically and a little irritated by her. My heart fluttered at the compliment of Dimitri but I was too distracted by Tasha her glare. She bit her lip and shot daggers at me.

"Why don't you two spar?" he said and Tasha let out a loud throatily high pitched laugh. She flicked her hair over her shoulder again and batted her eyelashes at Dimitri. "Dimka you know I would probably kill her." I stepped forward glaring her down. "Not if I kill you first." I growled.

She looked back at me and smiled. "Okay, little one. Bring it one. Just so you know I'm the best fighter off my tribe." She pulled her hair up into a ponytail. I though good that gives me something to hold on too when I drag her faced down in the dirt.

"Great. Just don't kill each other. I'll be right back." Dimitri said and walked off. As soon as he was out of earshot Tasha smirked again. "He'll never be yours little girl. And I'm going to teach you that" I kept my eyes on her hoping that looks could kill. We began circling each other. This time I wasn't going to run all crawl in a hole. This time I'm not taking shit from anybody.

"He'll never feel the same way about you." She continued. That did it I lunged at her. It was one thing for me telling myself I was crazy and was stupid too feel something for this enigma off a man. But too have someone tell me I can't and she is clearly the wrong one for him was the last straw. She needed to tone down her belittling me, I wanted her to end I set free the urge to do so. I lunged at her with a remarkable speed and kicked her in the stomach. She staggered back looking a little surprised she hit the ground landing on her bum with a thud. She regained herself and ran towards me growling in her high pitched voice. She wasn't kidding when she said she was a good fighter. Her words kept nagging in my head as I endured her punches and kicks.

I saw an opening and I took it she was using her nails so all fair game was off. I gripped her hair tight wrapping it around my wrist and threw her to the ground. I pinned her while still holding her hair and punched her in the face again, again and again. I looked down at that pathetic face and wanted to punch again until I felt his muscular arms wrap around my waist and pulling me of off her into the air. I tried franticly too get out of his hold I raked my nails over his forearm drawing blood. His arms held me tighter pressing me against his strong chest.

"What would you have done if I didn't stop you Rosemarie?" He asked releasing his hold on me as he pulled me back by my arm. He never used my full name and it stung. I hate my name. "I would make sure to shut up that pretty little face." I growled at her as she was laying there spitting up blood.

"You little b."

I stepped forward with Dimitri still holding my wrist with a death grip. "Here's a lesson for you little cunt, wear your hair up in a fight if you want to prevent a tug of war." I growled at her. Dimitri pulled me back and turned me too him. "Go and get ready for the party, Rosemarie." He said almost smiling.

I pointed my finger in his face. "Call me Rosemarie one more time 'Comrade' and I'll shave you in your sleep." I threatened him. He chuckled silently. "Got it. Now go." And he pushed me towards Viktoria she was grinning broadly. She looked at me up and down and frowned. "You should heal." I looked down at my scratched arms. "How?" I asked.

"You have to think of it. It helps to too ad a happy memory or though."

I sighed and closed my eyes. I was thinking of the cuts. Alright Rose happy memory won't work I don't really have any. Happy thought then. Wat would make me happy. Suddenly an image off Dimitri popped in my head. What would he look like if he smiled?
A real smile, too—not the dry one that accompanied the sarcasm we tossed around so often.

Viktoria gasped. "I never saw someone do it so fast. Especially sins you're just turning."

I opened my eyes only too look straight into Dimitri's. I thought I was still daydreaming because he was smiling. It wasn't the full smile I envisioned but it did look nice. I blinked a couple of times. Too focus back on Viktoria. She squealed. "How did you do it? What we're you thinking about."

I shrugged looking away from them. "Just a childhood memory." I whispered hoping they won't push it.

She grabbed by hands asking my attention. "What was the memory off??" She asked.

I shrugged again playing on it like it was no big deal. "Just a memory of my dad taking me for chocolate ice-cream." I said. The memory was true but I was so young I hardy remember.

I caught Dimitri's glare and I could see in his eyes he didn't believe me. I grabbed Viktoria's arm and pulled her away. I needed to get out of there before they gave me the third degree.

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