chapter 43. Bingo

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Rose POV.

I left my hair down slightly covering up my mark. I don't know why but i was kind off self-consius about it.

I didn't want people too think i would just jump into bed with Dimitri. It took a lot of thought. For me it was building since the day we met. I've only been here over a month. A lot off things happened in that time But still.

Dimitri talked too Ivan and it seamed everything was alright between them and Ivan didn't glare at me during breakfast.

When we were done with breakfast Dimitri stood up and stood behind me. He pulled back my hair and kissed me on my mark. 'You don't have too hide it.' He whispered into thought.

He and Ivan dissapeared, doing there business. They would talk things through about the Angels and make a battle plan off some sorts.

I stood up grabbing mine and Dimitri's dishes too put into the kitchen but Victoria stood in my way. She brushed away my hair without asking and squealed. "I knew it." Her eyes light with amusement.

Karoline looked questionable at us and walked over doing the same. She grinned from ear too ear. Then she frowned. "How?... i mean he was mated before." I shrugged. "He and serena never finished the mating prosess." I said lightly even though I felt a pang off quilt. Somehow it still felt like he was Serena's.


The next couple off days consisted off me training on the track or reading in the library. I got in tune with my powers faster then i expected. It also had too due with the fact i was constantly working on it.

Everybody was training per Dimitri's orders. They wanted everyone ready for battle. Dimitri and Ivan made the battle plan but there was still the question as how too lure them into battle.

Besides that Dimitri and i made love every night mostly more then once. He was soft and sweet every time. He tried blocking it from me but i knew he was holding back. He didn't want too hurt me. He wanted me save and he was scared off himself that he might loose control and do something horrible like rip out my throat.

I was in bed with Dimitri curled up into his side. He was restless. He didn't like too wait around. He was reading his book and had been stuck on the same page for days. It was like he was staring at the book but his mind was preoccupied with other things.

I propped up my head and took the book from him. He flinched as he was deep in thought.

"Dimitri your thinking too much." I stated. He frowned at me. "We need too figure this out. As long as we have this hanging over our heads we never can live a normal life." He said angry.

"I know but if you don't slow down you'll burn out." I said back angry emulating his tone.

"Roza they could strike any time. I need too be on my toes at all times. If I don't i might loose you." He growled. He wasn't thinking straight. He needed too stop thinking about this. Sometimes it would help too start with a clean slate. I tolled this too him before but he wouldn't listen.

I needed too push him. "We're all training. We are as ready as possible. If it happens it happens. You can't force this." He shot up from the bed. "I need too control this. We need too attack on our terms. We need that advantage. Your too young too understand." He hissed out. He wanted too control everything. He was so afraid too loose control he was becoming a control freak.

Bingo. Here goes nothing. I shot up from the bed letting the anger fill my veins. "Too young. Your just like Ivan aren't you. You think soo little off me. I'm nothing but a stupid, ignorant, unstable, unprodictable, wild, dangerous, insubordinate child." I shouted jabbing my index finger into his chest.

"You and Ivan are both soo hungry for the power. Your soo high on your alpha testosterone you can't even think straight. It makes you weak. Your nothing but a weak sorry excuse of an alpha. You can't even fuck me right." I screamed at him. At every word his eyes darkened his knuckles were white from the pressure and his jaw was clenched soo tight his jawline was as white as his knuckles.

Anger seeped through his veins. He grabbed my throat as his eyes looked right trough me. "I'll show you how you fuck right." He growled in a thick accent. Somewhere in my speech i hit the right spot. I grabbed his wrist as he pulled me up from the floor. He shoved me hard into the wall putting me down and grabbing on of my hands and pinning it too the wall. His other hand grabbed my ponytail tugging it down in making me lift my head. His lips crushed down on me.

Alright you sweet little pervs of mine. The next chapter will rock your world. (I hope)

Kisses. Jack off all trades.

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