chapter 23

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Rose POV.

I was in a chair as Olena was curling my hair with a curling iron, careful not to burn my hair. We had about two hours left to get ready. Olena seemed so undisturbed and tranquil about the party, like she had everything in control, it amazed me. She left a bit too check on something and then Yeva walked in.

" У меня есть для тебя подарок, моя дорогая. (I have a present for you, my dear.)" Yeva said as she walked in and she handed me a box.

I open the box and gasped. I pulled out a golden chain with a gold pendula surrounding the one full moon and two halve moons. I looked at it more closely and saw it was a locket. I opened it up and my eyes grew wide. There were two pictures in it one was my mirrored image and the other Serena. It wasn't us but it looked as if it was. Tears brimmed my eyes I rapidly blinked them back not wanting to ruin Viktoria's makeup job.

" Это был ваш пра-пра-бабушка со стороны матери твоей, и так это, но со стороны вашего отца. (This was your great–great-grandmother from your mother's side and so is this but from your father's side.)" Yeva explained. " Они были лучшими друзьями, более, как сестры. Ваша семья восходит лет и более связаны, чем вы думаете. (They were best friends, more like sisters. Your family goes back years and are more connected than you would think.)" I nodded. "Thank you. I love it." I whispered on the brink of crying. She scurried off without another word.

I put on the necklace and the pendant rested neatly at the top of my cleavage under my nazar. The blue in both necklaces didn't go with the dress but I didn't care.

Olena came back and continued her work.

A knock at the door came and Olena never even got too say they could come in. Someone stuck her head through the door and slap my silly, it was Tasha. She came in with a god awful fake smile with dark coloured eyes and the shortest dress possible. This was an elegant party for Christ sakes not a clubbing party like Dimitri's birthday. I rolled my eyes silently. Olena gave a soft sigh that made me think she didn't like Tasha much.

" Рад видеть вас Olena и поздравления. (Good to see you Olena and congratulations.)" Tasha said hooping too drag Olena her attention away from me, but Olena didn't budge as she kept twirling my hair.

"Спасибо Таша. (Thank you Tasha.)" Olena said flatly pulling up the last strand off my hair. She then turned my face too her and plucked around my face to put every hair in place. "There you go my love, you will look perfect next too Dimka as his escort." She said almost singing.

"What!?" Tasha yelled shifting uncomfortable on her feet. " Но я эскорт Dimka в. (But I'm Dimka's escort.)" She whimpered. I looked over at Viktoria who was giving Tasha the death glare if I ever saw one. Olena responded very calmly. " Нет, это не так. Роза один. (No you're not. Rose is the one.)"

" Ну, я думал, что я должен быть, так как я собираюсь выйти за него замуж. (Well I thought I should be since I'm going to marry him.)" Tasha said. My heart stopped and I bit my lip. He's getting married. He chose her, maybe not as his mate but as his second love. Viktoria sprung up from her chair. "Like hell you are. You are nowhere worthy off marrying my brother." Viktoria shouted at her.

"She's not." Olena said still not looking at Tasha. She was still plucking at my hair as I watched Tasha in the reflexion off the mirror. Olena shifted her gaze too Tasha via the mirror. " Наташа не будет никогда, никогда замуж за моего единственного сына. Я не волнует, что хочет твой отец и как он будет угрожать мне, если я не позволю. Вы, мой дорогой, не достаточно хорошо для моего сына. (Natasha you will never, ever marry my only son. I don't care what your father wants and how he will threaten me if I don't allow it. You, my dear, are not good enough for my son.)" Olena said in a flat cold voice.

Tasha huffed and steamed off as she swallowed the cold, cold words away her hands glowed with fire.

"She can't marry him, momma." Viktoria exclaimed.

"Don't worry honey. She won't. Her father just wants to combine our tribes to become the greatest tribe in the world. Love is more important than that." She said standing up.

I felt at unease by this all. Dimitri might be able to love but not too the extend off being someone's mate.

"Alright my dear. Time for that beautiful dress off yours so you can knock some sense into my son." She said while pushing me behind a room screen. I put on my dress and heels and was excited to see my reflection.
I walked out and Viktoria gasped and put her hand over her mouth. Olena looked proud and approvingly.

I walked over to the fitting mirror and did not recognise myself.

I watched as Olena and Viktoria got the self-ready. Olena excused herself as she wanted to check if everybody is ready.

There was a knock at the door. I opened it at one off the service handed me a large rectangle white box. On the gold ribbon was a note.


Happy birthday.


"Who is it from?" Viktoria asked.

"From..... Dimitri." I said with a shaky voice. I walked to a chair opening the box.

I pulled off the ribbon. I gasped as I saw 18 beautiful red/yellow roses. In the middle was one rose that was different it was a silk gold rose so beautiful it almost looked real.

I sat there quietly staring at this rose.

"Wow. Dimka gave you that?" Viktoria squealed. All this birthday attention was getting too me. I never had a birthday since I lost my father. My mother told me once I didn't deserve a birthday because I 'killed' my father. Soo all I did on my birthday was goo to the florist and pick out one of these red/yellow roses. My father used to give one each year for my birthday. It was one of the few things I remember off him.

The funny thing was that I never had to pay for it. The florist told me he played for a hundred roses in advance.

She's probably wondering where I am.

I couldn't stop the tear from leaking out off the corner off my eye. Viktoria quickly gave me a tissue and I dapped it away. "Why are you crying?" Viktoria asked. "There just so beautiful." I whispered.

I pulled out the golden flower and put it in my hair.

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