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Everything was so beautiful; and peaceful on the island. The boy in rags had dissapeared up the mountain. Val and I walked side by side on the warm beach. Sinbad had pulled fresh clothes out of the Chaos locker. Enough for all of them. There were coconuts and bananas. They needed a plan to get back to Black. Jason was currently flying and diveboming into the ocean. Sinbad and Stealth were swimming in the water; splashing each other. They were having fun, like Ethan would have wanted. But as much fun as they were trying to have; Stealth dropped onto the sand as Leo watched the sun. I dropped besides him and left Val to head to were Grape was cooking something. "What are you thinking about?" I asked Leo. "How much I miss my wife." Leo said, and Angel remembered about Black telling her about Calypso and Leo. "Shes dead. Died five hundred years ago." Leo said, sighing before he stood up. "Im going into the water want to come with?" He asked and I shook my head 'no'.
Instead of going in the water I got up and went over to Stealth. He was breathing but I tapped him on the shoulder anyway. "Stealth?" I asked and he shook me off. "Go away." He muffled and I closed my eyes for a brief second. "Come on. Lets go exploring." She said and Steslth picked himself up; acting like he was rubbing sand out of his eyes. As they walked into the woods. "I miss him." Stealth said his voice very shaky. They had to get used to him being gone. Had to get used to feeling someone behind you in the hallways and turn around to see no one there.
"I know I do too." I murmered. "I want to get his body before we leave." Stealth sniffed, as they ducked under a low hanging branch. "You dont know if his body was burned!" Angel said softly she couldnt sense him. She couldnt sense Ethan. "I saw his body, his body was hung up next to the big house." He whispered before collapsing on the ground. Angel stopped she felt stupid. "That was Ethan?" She asked and Stealth nodded. Angel remembered life radiating off him.
"Stealth," Angel started. "Ethan might not be dead."



Black would not get his ass out of his cloak. It was no suprise to see him wrapped up in his cloak sleeping on his stomach. His shirt was ruined by his wings si he just had to walk around showing off his six pack when he did wake up. "You ass hat!" Black shouted at me when I refused to make him a blackberry pie.
"No cussing!!" Alpha called after us making his coffee by the fire. Scar had just had his first cup of coffee ever and was on his fourth. Oh dear.
"Fuck you Alpha!!" Black cursed as he chased me. I was literally running for my life. Running in circles around the camp. "Help!!" I called to Percy Jr. though the kid like his brother would be If It were not him being the one woken up was laughing.
"Dear gods, and hades skirt!" I cursed and Black pounced. Why is he so stupid? You dont try to jump on someone when in a dead sprint!!
But I forgit about something. He had wings.
Black crashed into me holding me on the ground. "You maniac!!" I shouted in his face. But Black was grinning from ear to ear. "It smells like.." Black began and Percy Jr. pipped up. "..TEEN SPIRIT!!"
Alpha was laughing at Scars confused face and Felix was to busy grinning to laugh.
"I hate you so much." I groweled and Black shrugged getting up and holding out his hand.
I took it as he pulled me up. "First things first!" Nico started; I looked at him. "You all need a bath!" Felix finished for the son of Hades.
I didnt have to smell myself to know they were right. I felt icky, that icky feeling I get when my hair is oily and my skin is sweaty. I am not a very good demigod.
"And I need a haircut!" I announced the guys laighed at this as I ran a hand through my hair. It had gotten tangeled in my earrigs. The *****.
As soon as we were packed Jason Iris messaged us. The son of Jupiter; looked at us with his wireframes. "The mission was succesful?" He asked and Black nodded. "Are you guys okay?" Percy jr. asked he looked very worried. Jason smiled at him. "Ya we are. A god of some sort rescued us. White hair ragged clothes..." Jason started but looked at Percy again and frowned. "Dude stop changing your looks!!" He said and Black grinned. "The primordal who rescued you, is called Constantine. The primordal of light, farie, and fresh water." Felix said; and Jason looked to Felix. "So he blessed you." Jason guessed and Black nodded.
"Jason move out of my way!!" A girl roared at the roman boy. A very familiar voice. Angel appeared on the iris message throwing another coin to Isis. "We dont have much time, Black. Pirates not dead. Stealth saw what I assumed was another demigod climbing the big house. But it was Pirate." She said and my face fell. "Shit." Black cursed and Stealth appeared taking Angels place. "I'll meet you at Zeus' s fist." He told Black before the message convolsed. We stopped at a hotel to shower and change into respectable clothing before. Shadowtraveling to Zues's fist. A camper with red hair and blue eyes was running to the fist fron the forest. He had a chaos dagger tucked in his boot. Stealth saw us and skidded to a halt. "Beauty?" Black questiobed and Stealth nodded. Radar flapped screeching in his owl form. Black quieted him with a pat on the wings.
"Where'd you get the wings?" Stealth asked suddenly. Black grinned widening them alittle further. "Same guy who rescued you." I said for Black.

The plan was for Stealth and I to retrieve Pirate as Black and Felix rounded up all the rebels who were on our side. Nico, Perct jr. and Scar would wait at Zeus' s fist and call for backup when needed.



Stealth and Oz raced into the woods silent as ever. I nodded to Felix who transformed into a gryphon. Racing with me to the campfire as evening was coming around. The campers were sining merrily before I jumped volting into the air. Flying alittle clummsily at first. Flying was freaking hard, and dropped into the fire. The torchers were the only light now. The campers fell silent as I stood up tucking my wings behind my back. Felix zoomed in a tight circle above the campers heads making alot of them scream. Chiron glared at me.
Skeletons in his closet.
"Campers." I shouted as Radar transformed into a large lion. A lion that looked like a large version of the one I had killed many years ago.
Piper and Clarrise stood up; and Felix plucled them up from the ground flying off. Anabeth stood up and pointed at me. "YOUR A TRAITOR TO YOUR OWN KIND JACKSON!!" She screamed her face red with furry.
The kids of Posideon stood up and nodded at me. A child of Hermes and two Arphodite boys. A daughter of Nemisis and and two latino Hephephtus kids. All snatched up by felix and Radar. Three fourths of the camp remained mostly younger kids with no idea what was going on.
"You fool!" Chiron yelled as Felix circled the camp circle once again. "By awakening Constantine you woke up the enemy of the gods!" Chiron was trembeling in rage. "He was never asleep!" I said softly lifting my arm about to call for Radar. When the sound smack of a arrow hit him.

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