Bianca and Bianca

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Sally Jackson

When the boy Black said he was my son. I stared straight into his red eyes. They flickered sea green. "You told us Percy was dead!" Percy (jr) said. "Well im not ready to tell the others yet especially, blond haired spider girl!" Percy/Black said. "But I like Black better than Percy, so the names all yours kid!" Black told Percy. The boy next to him rolled his eyes. "Whats your name again?" I asked gesturing to the blond boy. "Skull! Son of Thanatos, god of death!"

"Can I hold her?" Black suddenly asked, his eyes glued to Bianca. I nodded to Paul, who handed Bianca to Percy ahh Black. He watched her as she sucked her binki starring up at him with big greenish blue eyes. "Hey Bianca!" He smiled. Yup this boy Black was my son my betrayed son.


Watching Black hold Bianca brought back many memories.


I ran into my house it smelled strange, and I knew something was wrong. I was twelve at the time, just a kid; with wierd eyes. If I concentrated I could see peoples life span. I learned that with my pet rat three years ago.

I ran into the house, just coming from school. To see mom in a bloody heap on the floor. I ran to her, and saw her head was seperated from her body. "MOMMY!" I shouted and held her head against my chest. I stayrd that way for hours before I heard a nock on the door. Two secands a guy six years older or so came in. He had black hair, and red eyes. "Hey kid!" The guy said. I growled at him, and took the closest thing to me dropping the head. I swung the baseball bat at him. He blocked with his arm. I froze as he kept his red eyes on me. "Whats your name?" He asked causually. "Oz!" I had said. The guy dropped his arm, and knealt down so he was shorter than me. "My names Black, I used to go by a diffrent name. But then I was betrayed by bolth my friends and the greek gods!" He said. Mom had told me about them, she told me that my father was one of them.

Yet she told me that I wasnt allowed at a camp for people like me because I wouldnt be welcomed.

"Your like me?" I demanded, and Black cracked a smile. "I havnt set a foot back here in a hundred years! But since the gods dont like your exsistance. My adopted dad takes in people like us and I train them, they are part of a small army. My dad asked me to ask you if you want to join me?" He said. "Why should I trust you?" I demanded. He pulled out a purple/black amulet. From under his shirt and gave removed it from my neck. He held it out to me. "This is my mortality. I know alot about you Oz. Your the first and only son of Thantlous. You are immortal when you turn 18! Me I was mortal tell Chaos made me his captain!" Black started, with a small smile. As he pulled my right hand ount and layed the pendent that glowed softly. "Im trusting you with my life, Oz! If I didnt trust you I wouldnt give you my life!" He saif with a smile before he stood up. "Pack some clothes!" He said. I put on the pendant and hid it under my shirt, and hurried to my room changing quickly. And stuffing clothes in my duffel bag.

When I got to the living room, I saw Black fighting off two monsters. They were big and tall and he was armed with only a sword. They disinagrated within secands. 

Black looked at me, I brought along my bat. The only thing I had ever gotten from my dad.

Two years later

I walked into the training room with my bat. Black had showed me that the bat could turn into anything I imagined because of what; his friend Forge did to it.

" Double Combat, Skull!" Black said. "Okay!" I said. "Forge create a three dracnea, a minataur, and a drakon." Black said.

Black had created a computer with Forge that could create monsters in a room with a series of obstacles. The monsters could hurt me. But would shut down as soon as the computer would sense i would make a fatal move.

Angel came in, and stood next to me. "Hello Partner!" She said, I smiled at her heat rising to my cheeks. "Hi!" I said. "Get ready!" Forges voice boomed, I swung my badeball bat in a circle tell, I held a blood red spear, with a black tip.

The dracne came first Ang pulled back her arrow and let it fly while I threw my spear at the secand dracne. The third was disinagrated by Ang. She charged the drakon as the minataur charged me. I grabbed my spear and it lengthened into a black syth. I swung it cutting the Minataur in half.

I saw Bianca scurring up the Drakons back. I turned to the Drakon and launched a arrow. The Drakon screamed as the arrow embedded itself in its mouth. I now held a machine gun and blasted the things eyes.

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