Dead or Alive?

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Its been twentyfour hours, thirty minutes; and fourtythree seconds since Oz was dragged down the hole. Turns out the gods and Anabeth were possesed by a dark spirit of some sorts. But why do I care, my third in command was gone. The little boy I had raised since he was small was gone. Dragged into the darkness.
Alpha says that the gods have no idea what has happened the past thousand years. But I dont care. Anabeth doesnt remember dumping me. Posideon doesnt remember blessing Percy Jr. and I still don't care.
Val was the one who took off my shirt and boots after Alpha dragged me to our cabin. She had me lay on my stomach; and covered me with blankets. I didn't want to move.
He was in pain.
He was terrified.
I couldn't protect him
I couldnt go with him.

I heard Val, she was talking but I couldnt hear her correctly. I heard her walk out of the room. I moved my wings to cover my head. I wanted to be alone. I wanted my brother back.


Everything was a mess the gods were confused; the campers even more. Why was Anabeth nice all of a sudden? Why are the gods hanging around us? Artemis and Apollo explained to the gods what had happened. The gods were shocked, Posideons eyes almost popped out of his head. Athena grew very angry on how she didnt plan that.
Hermes didnt quiet understand. Ares was sleeping. Hera was bickering with Zues. Hestia was nutrual and quiet. Nemisis wanted revenge on whoever wasted her 1000 years. Everyone else either didnt care or was shocked.

"Wheres Percy?" Posideon asked me, I sighed my answer. "Jr.?" I asked and Posideon shook his head. "The hero." He said and I glared at him. "They are bolth heros." I snapped and Posideon paled. "Thr one who calls himself Black." He corrected himself, rubbing a hand over his face. "Oh he's in his room." Nico said for me, I almost forgot the kid was here. I call him kid because even though we look the same age I was acouple years older than him. "Why cant he come out so we can celebrate HIS victory?" Zues asked and Hera gave her approving nod. "He doesnt feel like it." I said; and Posideon closed his eyes. "Whats your name?" Ares asked and I smiled. "Alpha." I said and Hestia smiled at me. "We mean your real name!" Athena said and I shrugged. "Im not telling." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Hermes was starring at me, I was glad I was wearing a hood and mask.
"I command you to tell us!!" Zues shouted and I shouted right back at him. "I DONT THINK SO!! YOU OWE US BIG TIME!! WE LOST OUR THIRD IN COMMAND YESTERDAY!! AND YOU TORTURED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF US!!"
Zues paled also, and Hades sat forward he had been quiet. "Your friends not dead." Hades said, and I glared at the lord of death. "I know." I said and walked out of them leaving Nico alone with a bunch of angry and shocked gods.

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