The Mortal With Demigod Power

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Percy Jr.

"Im sorry you have to go through this?" I said to Alpha aka Luke aka last time I checked bad guy from 1,0001 years ago. Luke/Alpha stared at me, with narrowed brown eyes. "Its not my fault the gods hate you!" I continued. Luke just stared his girlfriend looked at the ground. Not meeting my eyes. "Well nice talk." I said before walking out to the son of Thanatos.

Skull was laying on the hard ground. I saw that his wrists were raw from struggling against the chains. He sat up quickly, and from what I could tell painfully.  "So your my brothers best friend. Luky isnt talking so im going to see if you will!" I said. And lifted Skull on his feet. "Im getting you out of here!" I whispered. I forced him to the hallway, and we took the secret corridor. Bunker 9 had been temprarily changed into a prison. Leo and Jason were waiting to bust the others out, in a few days.

Skull was quiet, and we arrived at Zues's fist where I unchained Skull and handed him his wepon. "Lets go!" I said and Skull didn't follow me, he just made a portal that transported us into the edge of the forest. "Wait!" Skull shouted, as i took a step forward.

I looked back at him to see him reaching for me. But I slowed and looked infront of me. Just as a arrow struck me in the chest

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