Not Healed

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I was currently drinking hot tea when hellhounds with riders leapt out of a tree. The tea spilled onto my shirt which soaked through my bandages. Yes, I was still wounded. The wound wasnt healing. "Black!" Nicos voice called. I waved a hand, because I couldnt turn around. Being usless suckes. Alpha limped over with Star.

"Sup Luke." I said. "Not much just got tortured by the dick god of war." He said. "Wait what!?" I gaped at him. "Radar didnt come back?" Luke questioned. "Yeah, I havnt seen him at all!" I answered, my heart was thumping in my chest. My vision was getting red, pain flared in my chest. "Percy go back" I heard Skulls voice faintly. I saw him standing next infront of me. We were in a grey black and white place next to a river. "Its not your time yet!" Skull added before the place started to disapear. I clenched the nearest object with my hand which was the mug handle.

Before I felt anchored again. Then I opened my eyes"What was that?" Luke asked he sounded worried Jason came next to my warriors with Nico and Leo. "You just died." Nico gaped. "Explain to me what happened.. to you!" Luke growled to me adding on to Nicos comment. I explained.


I sat besides Percy Jr. as we rested. From my extremly long jump from New York to my home in the underworld. Which was pretty much my dads house. Basically it was one of the boat houses with two rooms a kitchen that only I used and a bathroom. It was clean and Black said it was creepily tidy.

Though Dad never came here, it was close to the jump into Tartaraous. The jump I took every few years. Tortured souls of humans like Hitlers. It was fun work but the first few times it was agonizing. Whatching people suffer. Making sure the ghouls did their job.

"Skull?" Percy Jr. voice jolted me into the present. I turned. "Yeah?" I asked. "Where are we?" Percy Jr. asked. "The underworld." I said easily.

"Ohhh." Percy said not really happy. "Are we dead?"

I burst out laughing actually in tears. "No." I assured him. But then I felt a sting in the back of my head. The sting turned into a wail, which turned into a horrible scream. I fell on my knees gritting my teeth to keep from screaming. It grew louder and louder. I held my head and gor up moving at a dead sprint. To my fathers boat. Ghosts floated on the boat but standing next to my father was Blacks ghost. The pain subsided. "Percy go back!" I said and Blacks ghost turned to me.

His eyes widened. "Its not your time!" I told Black. Before his ghost dissapeared. "What the hell!" Percy Jr. said. "I think Black is in trouble." I said. "You could say that again!" Percy Jr. said as in a 'duh' tone. I grinned, but the grin faded as Radar landed on the black sand next to my feet, in a bloody heap of feathers. A quick flash of silver and gold caught my eye, and before I knew it. Two gods stood before Percy Jr. and me.

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