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selena pov
its lunchtime now and me and ariana are sitting at a random table eating our food.
"did you do the history paper?" ariana asked eating salad.
"yeah i did why?"
"well i need help with it"
"did you wanna come over after school?"
"yeah if its okay"
"its always okay"
i take a bite of my burger and look up to make eye contact with justin heading this way.
"oh my god look who is coming this way."
no way he is coming here.
i guess i spoke too soon because before i know it he takes a seat and I'm super confused.
"hey how's it going today ladies" he says with a creepy looking smirk on his face.
"goin good" i say just wishing he would leave.
"hi justin" ariana says all shy like and i just look at her like what the hell.
"well uh i saw you two sitting here and wanted to let you know that I'm throwing a party this weekend for my 18th birthday and i would love for you guys to come"
"really!" ariana shouts and i giggle at how red her cheeks turn from embarrassment.
"actually we're busy so we cant make it.sorry" i say with a sarcastic smirk.
he grabs my phone and i look at him like he's crazy.
"well if you change your mind, you know where to find me" with another of his famous smirks.
what a douchebag.
"we should go selena!!!"
"um are you crazy? heck no"
"why not? it will be fun! plus we got an invite from justin himself."
right as she finishes her sentence the bell rings so we get up and start heading towards our lockers.
"i don't know ari. parties aren't really my thing"
"but you've never been to one so you don't really know that do you?"
"i guess not but we don't know anyone and we don't have anything to wear and its just gonna be weird"
"sel we can go shopping and we'll have each other so it'll be good. please come with me"
"fine i guess but if i don't have fun I'm going to leave"
"woohoo! our first high school  party!!!"
"you're crazy" i just laugh.
i love my best friend.
the teacher starts out talking about boring stuff and takes attendance and then gets into the project we have to do.
its a partner project and i better get ariana.
she starts calling out the names and when she gets to ariana's name she calls out justin along with it.
and then my name comes next and I'm paired with none other than JASMINE.
uuuuggghhhhh that sucks some serious ass.
people complain but she says there is no switching and its too late.
we go to meet up with our partners for the rest of class.
jasmine walks up to me "hey. i guess we are partners" she rolls her eyes
"guess so"
she takes a seat and says "so what are we going to do?"
"well we can just do a model of the animal cell"
"alright so you got it covered?"
i laugh literally out loud.
"if you think I'm doing this on my own your wrong. and if i do end up doing it on my own then your name will be taken off in two seconds. got it?"
"whatever" she mumbles something under her breath but like i care honestly.
i just hope we get this thing over with soon.

after school

"hey selena. ready for the mall?" ariana gets in my car.
"yeah i am ready" we take off and drive to the mall and start looking around for something to wear.
"selena look at this!" i turn around and she is holding up a bright pink dress and some cream heels.
"this would be a cute outfit."
"ohhh i love that dress!!"
"try it on!!" i take the dress and run to the fitting rooms.
i try it on and its a perfect fit and i think it looks great.
i walk out to show ariana and she squeals.
"i love it!!!"
ariana ends up getting a plain skin tight black dress with black tall heels to match.
"we are so ready for this party" she says as we leave the mall.

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