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justin pov
my eyes slowly flutter open.
I see nothing but bright lights and its blinding me.
i hear someone groan next to me and i blink a few times trying to let my eyes adjust to these lights.
i finally can see and i look next to me to see a dark brown haired girl.
i dont even remember who this is.
jasmine probably.
i lift up the covers a little bit to see i have pants on and she is in her bra and underwear.
that means we probably didnt have sex. i run my hand through my hair and go to my closet to get some clothes.
i walk to my bathroom and take a hot shower.
after i am finished i walk out and see the girl sitting up with her back facing me.
"hey" i say trying to get her attention.
she jumps a little and she turns to me and thats when everything comes back to me.
the almost kiss
her dancing with another guy
she fell in the pool
and then the  actual kiss.
she stands up covering her breasts as she looks around the floor.
"do you need some clothes?"
"uh yes please that would be nice"
i walk in my closet and get her a long tshirt to wear.
"here you go"
"thanks" she half smiles
"so uh did we like have---"
she just pauses and her cheeks flush red.
it takes me a minute to understand what she is trying to ask me but then i get it.
"ohh no we did not have sex"
i start walking closer to her and put my hands on her hips.
"we almost did though"
i start leaning in and she puts a finger to my lips.
"i should really get going"
"let me at least get you something to eat first?"
"okay thanks"
i walk downstairs and she follows.
i see there are still a couple people asleep in my house.
i wake them up and they all leave.
the place is a mess.
i get selena some cereal and we both sit at the table and eat it.
"do you wanna hang out today?"
i get a weird feeling in my stomach after i ask that.
like i feel anxious for her response.
"yeah maybe we can go catch a movie or something?"
" uh yea sure. maybe we can stop by my house and i can get some clothes?"
"sure sure."
"okay" she smiles at me and continues eating.
i cant help but stare at her.
she is so incredibly beautiful i almost hardly believe it.
there are no flaws on her face or anywhere.
this bet might be a little too much fun for me.

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