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its been a week since me and selena started dating.
shes so perfect.
i dont even understand how.
im trying so hard to pull away but at the same time as staying close.
i know that doesnt make sense but basically im trying to mentally pull away.
pull my thoughts about her away and my feelings.
at the same time as always having to be around her and act like im in 100% love with her.
but im not sure if im 100% acting anymore.
but im gonna pull away so its not as hard when i break her heart.
her and harry have been getting along well but i think harry is just being fake towards her.
not like i care.
i keep trying to convince myself that i dont care about selena.
but then she doesnt reply for a little and i freak out and get worried.
i dont know whats happening to me.
i dont want to fall in love.
currently, im on my way to go hang out at the mall with Selena Harry Ariana and our friend Vanessa.
I've known her since kindergarten and shes one of my closest friends.
Her and Selena are meeting for the first time today and i feel a little nervous.
Justin is on his way to pick me up right now and im so excited.
We're going to the mall with our little group of friends.
I've been so happy lately i cant even explain it.
im dating justin who i love so much and harry and his friends finally accepted me.
i finally found someone for me and its the greatest feeling ever.
i got ready wearing a grey shirt jean shorts and black boots.
im meeting someone who is like a sister to him and her name is vanessa.
im not gonna lie im sooo nervous but hopefully everything works out okay.
i get a text from justin telling me to go outside and i grab my bag and go.
saying goodbye to my parents on the way.
they dont know about justin yet and they think im just going with ariana.
its not like i dont wanna tell them about justin but hes my first real boyfriend.
plus its only been a week so theres no point.
i go out and see justin waiting in his car.
i open the door and sit down greeting his smiling face.
"hi" i lean in and give him a peck on the lips.
"hey sel you look so beautiful as always."
i wasnt lying.
she looked stunning.
its killing me.
im so confused right now.
why could harry not pick some ugly girl with some ugly personality.
he had to pick the most beautiful girl in the school with the most perfect body and amazing--"
"what were you thinking about i was talking to you for so long"
"oh my god im sorry i wasnt focusing sorry"
"its okay" she giggles a cute giggle which brings a smile to my face.
"so what were you thinkin about jay"
i was thinking about how im nervous to go through with this bet because i knw its gonna break your heart and mine because im slowly falling so deeply in love with you and its killing me.
"nothin just how hungry i am. you wanna stop and get something to eat?"
"yea totally. mcdonalds??"
"sure why not."
after mcdonalds we drove to the mall to meet everyone there and get out.
i walk over and open selena's door and then grab her hand.
"im kind of scared to meet vanessa"
"hey dont worry about it she is gonna like you just as much as i do."
"and how much is that" she teased and smiled at me.
"soooo much" i kissed the side of her head and she giggled.
again, i wasnt lying.
i see ariana in the food court and she comes up and hugs me.
"hey ari"
"hi selena."
justin walks up and puts his hand on the small of my back.
"vanessa this is selena my girlfriend."
i smile at her and shake her hand.
"hii selena. its nice to meet you. justin did not do you justice you are gorgeous"
"thank you. aw your so pretty too"
she smiles and says "so shall we get to shoppin"
that kinda sucks.
i wonder if justin even actually thinks im pretty.
he puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear.
" i did you justice babe i told her you were the most beautiful girl in the world but she must consider you more than that."
i blush and smile at him.
harry walks up and says "hey selena how you been"
"good thank you."
"thats good i bet your doing good when u got a boyfriend as good as justin. speaking of he knows a lot about bets. you should ask him sometime"
well now im confused???
justin just smiles at me and shakes his head.
"me and harry used to bet over everything when we were boys."
"and when he says everything he means seriously everything no matter what it is." harry smiles at me and walks faster to catch up with vanessa.
"uh okay"
what the fuck is harry doing.
hes not allowed to do that shit.
Im so pissed off right now.
He knows that im about to win so hes trying to sabotage me.
selena suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me close.
"im gonna go to victoria secret with the girls ok" she leans in and kisses me
"okay pick something nice out" i send her a flirty wink and she giggles and walks away.
me and harry sit down at a table and its time for me to get to the bottom of that bullshit.
"dude harry what the fuck was that all about?"
"dude lets just fucking tell her im over this already"
"what the fuck why"
"i wanna be able to go to parties and have fun and get fucked uo and fuck bitches. you're all fucking whipped and tied down now so we fucking cant."
i roll my eyes "dude we are almost done. theres not much time left. after i fuck her we will destroy her heart and resume our fucking partying."
"you sure"
"hell yes dude once i smash she is fucking dropped"
my stomach drops and my whole body cringes talking about selena that way but its what i have to do.
"lets fucking do it"
we do our handshake and i just sit there thinking about how much deep shit im in.

thanks for reading

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